Kiko Loureiro - Megadeth #2

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// sorry if this is bad! I feel like I'm really bad at writing these kinds of imagines! //

Requested by; EAKitty ! ♡

{ I changed it to niece instead of cousin if that's okay! }

Imagine you and Kiko babysitting your niece________________________________

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Imagine you and Kiko babysitting your niece

"Thank you so much again Y/N, this means the world!" Your sister said as she pushed her 4-year-old daughter through the door.

Your sister had been called to an emergency meeting and decided the smartest place to drop her kid off was at yours and Kiko's place.

"Wait, what about food and stuff," You asked, clearly you had no idea what you were talking about. Your sister had already rushed out the door to her car.

"You'll figure something out! You always do!" Your sister yelled and sped off.

"Honey, what's going on out there?" Kiko yelled from the living room.

You looked down at the little child. Her name was Leigh, taken from your middle name.

"Hello there," You whispered, though you and Kiko had no plans on having kids whatsoever, you couldn't help but feel smitten when looking into the child's big, brown deer eyes.

"Hi" The tiny human laughed, looking at you.

"Who is out the-oh"

Kiko's sentence was cut short when he laid eyes on the little girl, her hand was folded in yours.

"Hi, Leigh!" Kiko said excitedly, the two of them already had a special bond, even though they'd only met twice before.

Kiko generally had a good relationship with children, they felt comfortable around him.

Leigh had run into Kiko's arms as if she'd known him for eternities. She giggled and jumped up and down.

She ran through the house, leaving Kiko and you in silence.

"You didn't tell me we were getting visitors" Kiko chuckled as he walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you.

"I had no idea, she just dropped her off!" You exclaimed as you rested your cheek on Kiko's strong chest.

"We'll figure something out, we always do" Kiko smiled, sounding identical to your sister.

Kiko planted a sweet, short but passionate kiss on your lips.

"Eeew!" Leigh yelled as she walked in on the two of you.

"W-what? This? Is this gross?" You asked gasping dramatically, smashing your lips against Kiko's once more waiting for a reaction from the now revolted little girl.

"Cooties!" she cried out, blocking her eyes with her tiny hands.

"She's adorable" Kiko smiled as the two of you watched the little girl play around on the floor with her dolls, while you two were propped up together on the sofa.

"I know," You said, smiling.

"I know we haven't planned on having kids, but-"

"I'd love to start a family with you Kiko" You answered, cutting him off by kissing his lips.

"Aunt Y/N, what is sex?" 

Her question came out of nowhere, Kiko and you looked at each other with wide eyes.

"What was that honey?" You asked, appalled that she'd even heard the word sex before.

"Sex. What is sex?" Leigh asked, she had sat up and looked at the two of you with a questioning look.

"I think you should ask your mother and father, I'm sure they'd be able to give you an explanation," You said getting up from the couch.

"But you c-"

"I'm going to go out and make some lunch," You said quickly, wanting to avoid the talk with your four-year-old niece.

"Hey!" Kiko yelled at you, making you turn around. Leigh had sat next to Kiko. 

"You're welcome" You chuckled as you disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Kiko all alone to deal with the madness of the little girl.

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