James Hetfield - Metallica #2

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James Alan Hetfield

Imagine you telling James some terrible news

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Imagine you telling James some terrible news

"What?" I shakily asked the doctor as I let the tears fall down my cheeks.
"DCIS, also known as breast cancer. I know this is a lot to take in but if we start on chemo now you have a good chance of getting out of this very fast" The doctor said as he passed me some tissues.
I didn't say anything, it came as a shock.
Me and James had recognized that I'd been a little off, throwing off and having headaches, but never in a million years had cancer once crossed my mind.
"I would like to call my husband please" I said and the doctor nodded, I walked outside and grabbed my phone and quickly dialed James' phone number.
"James?" I asked with soft voice as I heard him pick up the phone.
"Hey baby, we just wrote this super awesome song it's about-"
"Please come to the hospital" I cut him off and his end of the phone became quite.
"What why, Babe is everything okay?" James asked confused.
"Just please come down here, please?" I begged.
"Okay, uhm I'll be there in ten minutes" James said nervously.
I hung up and noticed how my hands were shaking, I walked into the doctors office again.
"Hey, James will be her in ten minutes. I'll just go to the bathroom" I said and he nodded.
I made my way down the long halls of the hospital until I found some bathrooms.
I went in and did my business and when I went to wash my hands I was shocked to see myself in the mirror.
My skin was pale and the bags under my eyes were heavy and dark, my forehead was sweaty and the swelling red spots that had formed on my skin weeks ago was showing more and more as every day passed by. I ran my fingers over the red spots on my neck and my throat, they were a little sore.
"Sorry to interrupt but you're husband is here" a nurse came in and said and I quickly grabbed my purse and headed out.
"Y/N!" James exclaimed, I turned around and saw James walking with fast steps towards me, he grabbed my head and kissed my forehead.
"You're burning up, are you okay?" He asked, he was a little sweaty since he had just come from practice.
"Can we just please go and talk to the doctor?" I asked him and he nodded.
The both of us walked to the doctors office and sat down.
"So Mrs. Hetfield, would you like me to tell you're husband or would you like to tell him yourself?" The doctor asked and I turned to James.
"Well James, you see I-" I tried to finish my sentence but I broke down. James grabbed me and pulled me close to him.
"Would you like me to tell you're husband?" The doctor asked and I nodded slowly.
"What's happening?" James asked frustrated.
"Mr. Hetfield, you're wife has what we medically call Lobular Carcinoma, but you'll most likely know it as Breast cancer" The doctor said, James looked at you with tears in his eyes.
"Baby?" James looked at me, his eyebrows hang low and his bottom lip trembling.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you right away, I was scared and I'm scared now and I don't know what to do I'm so-"
"Baby, we will get through this, you know that. We've always been strong together, I'll cancel the tour and I'll stay with you until everything is okay" James said putting a comforting hand on my thigh.
I smiled through the tears and leaned in to kiss his lips passionately.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too, now let's go get some McDonalds"

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