• Duff McKagan - Guns N' Roses #2

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Imagine you and Duff breaking up.

Micheal Andrew McKagan

The feeling of emptiness had been filling your body for a while now, you just weren't brave enough to own up to it

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The feeling of emptiness had been filling your body for a while now, you just weren't brave enough to own up to it. Duff had been gone, partying, drinking, doing drugs and god knows what else.
You loved Duff more than anything in the whole world, but you also knew that the relationship the two of you were in, was not working out. You wanted it to, but it just didn't work.
You had a feeling that Duff was feeling the same way.
You two had been so distant and that couldn't be healthy for a relationship, but at the same time it was so damn hard to own up to the fact that, yes maybe it was better if you broke up with Duff.
Duff was in his room, writing stuff down for the bands new album.
You sighed deeply before you took the first step up the stairs.
You could hear Duff playing his bass, most likely practicing a new riff.
You heart was beating out of your chest, never had you been so nervous.
You opened the door, and there Duff was, sitting on a wooden chair with his bass in his lap, his head shot up as soon as you opened the door, his beautiful eyes meeting yours, his smile was warm and welcoming, Duff looked tired, the bags under his eyes were dark yet, he looked like the most beautiful human being you've ever laid your eyes on, and the fact that he wasn't going to be yours for very much longer broke your heart, but you knew it had to be done.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Duff asked and you woke up from your thoughts.

"Yeah, why?" You asked, but you weren't okay, you were feeling horrible, you were on the verge of tears.

"You're like really pale, are you sure you're okay?" Duff asked again and you just couldn't hold it anymore, you let the tears stream down your cheeks. Duff of course rushed to your side and hugged you not even asking you what was wrong.

"What's wrong baby?, tell me" Duff said and grabbed your hand and lead you to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I need to talk to you Micheal" you said, you never used his real name but when you did there was no doubt that it was extremely serious.

"Talk to me baby, talk to me" Duff said whilst he rubbed your back comfortingly.

"I-I think we should break up" You said feeling like the weight on your shoulders was gone.

"What, why?" Duff asked, his voice cracked, he was obviously just as bummed about this situation as you.

"We've just been so distant lately, none of us just hasn't been able to own up to it yet" you explained calmly, the last thing you were hoping for in this situation was that it would end in a messy argument, so you tried to be as careful with your words as possible.

"I know" Duff said never once removing his hands from your back.

"You do?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows looking at Duff.

"Yeah, I knew this conversation was coming one way or another, I was just so scared to own up to it, luckily there's girls like you out there who has more balls than most men" duff said laughing, you couldn't help but giggle along.

"Just promise me one thing" You said to Duff.

"What?" Duff asked.

"That we can still be best friends" you said still letting out more tears, but these tears were more tears of relief and happiness.

"I promise" duff said as he grabbed your head and giving your forehead a soft kiss.

"Pinky promise?" You asked and pulled out your pinky finger, Duff let out a laugh but connected his pinky With yours.

"I pinky promise" Duff told you.

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