• Mick Jagger - The Rolling Stones #1

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Imagine Mick bringing you to a award show

y/n p o i n t o f v i e w ;

Micheal Philip Jagger

+btw this is not based on real events, just an imagination +

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+btw this is not based on real events, just an imagination +

"You look amazing, darling" Mick said as he put his head on my shoulder staring along with me in the big mirror placed on the white wall in Mick's and i's house.

"You really think so?" I asked feeling a little insecure in the tight long black dress, sure Mick complimented my body a lot but it's always harder to believe.

"I know so" Mick said and gave me a small kiss on your neck but quickly pulled away as the strong scent of perfume filled his nose.
"But we have to go now, we'll be late" Mick said as he grabbed my hand dragging me down the stairs, I was trying to follow up with the four inch high heels I was wearing.
Mick had blackmailed me and begged me for months to go to the American Music Awards, The Rolling Stones we're nominated for 'Best rock Group, they were up against some pretty good other bands but I had a strong feeling that The Rolling Stones would win.
Keith was downstairs with Anita.
When Mick and I walked downstairs Anita and Keith sitting in the couch all ready yo got. Anita was wearing a beautiful blue shimmer dress while Keith was wearing a purple silk flannel with some leather pants, Mick was dressed in an all white suit with a black shirt underneath, he was looking hot to say the least.

"Are you ready to go?" Mick asked Anita and Keith and they stood up from the sofa.
"I just need to get my purse" Anita said and quickly came back with a black hand purse.
"Now I'm ready" Anita said.
Mick and Keith had made a deal with Ronnie, Brian and Charlie that they would meet at the awards.

- at the award show -

"Mick Y/N look here!" The paparazzis and photographers were eager to get pictures, I tried to look as calm as possible but the carpet was stressful and loud.
"It's okay, we'll be done in just a moment" Mick said noticing my anxiety starting to kick in, I nodded knowing nothing would actually happen.

- inside the award show -

The show was fine, it was a little boring with all the pop musicians thinking they could sing but the best category was coming up. Best Rock group.
I could tell Mick was nervous, he was sitting with his legs open wide and elbows on his knees while his food was tapping constantly probably out of nervousness.
For support I rubbed his back, every now and then he would look at me giving me his cute little smile.

The stage lit up and out came Anastacia and David Bowie, this was the category I had been waiting for.

"And now for the best Rock Group category, the nominated are" Anastacia said and the screen behind them lit up.

"Guns N' Roses"
"The Rolling Stones"
"Quite Riot"

"And the winner is" David said and I quickly grabbed Mick' s hand and squeezed it.
"You got this" I said and Mick squeezed my hand back.

"The Rolling Stones!" David And Anastacia yelled in the microphone.
Mick jumped up and group-hugged Keith, Ronnie and Brian And Charlie.
I stood up as well with a huge smile on my face, he was more than deserving of this award, he'd been working so hard.
"I love you y/n" Mick said as he turned to me, his face was filled with happiness.
"I love you too Mick, now go get that award" I said and kissed him.

Mick and the rest of the guys walked up to the stage and received the award, Mick held it up in the air with a stretched arm.
"I'd like to thank our Record label Decca Records for signing us and helping us, I'd also like to to thank our beautiful fans out there, and last but not least I'd personally like to thank my beautiful Fiancée for always being there, I love you darling" Mick screamed and the audience screamed loudly and the music began to play.


"Congratulations Dear" i said as I hugged Mick, he was laughing and genuinely happy.
"Thank you my love" Mick said and kissed my head.
The two of you danced at the after party until your feed hurt and went home to celebrate ;)

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