Rick Savage - Def Leppard #1

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starlyn2003 thank you for your requests <3

Richard Savage

Starlyn Noelle is the name of Richards five year old daughter :)

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Starlyn Noelle is the name of Richards five year old daughter :)

Imagine you and Richards daughter running on stage to play with her dad.

"Starlyn Noelle, What is wrong with you today?" I sternly asked my five year old daughter, she was wriggling around in my arms trying to get down, but I know Starlyn. Within a minute she'll be out of my sight, so I keep my eye on her at all times.
Currently me and Starlyn were standing on the side of the stage where my husband Richard was playing along with his band Def Leppard.
They were playing Rock of ages and I could tell how much Richard was enjoying being on stage.
"Mommy let me go!" Starlyn complained, her blonde hair was in two ponytails and the big headphone set was hanging loosely on her head.
"No Starlyn, because I know you will run so you'll stay here with mommy" I said giving her a pat on the back whilst still having her on my hip, she was beginning to get heavy but if I sat her down she would be gone within a second.
"Thank you Atlanta, you're amazing!" Joe screamed loudly into the mic and the crowd went wild, and so did Starlyn. She began wiggling her little body and began banging her hands together trying to clap but failing miserably.
"Are y'all ready for some more?" Joe yelled once again but this time the crowd went even wilder.
The boys began playing Starlyns favorite song ; pour some sugar on me.
This was Starlyns favorite song, most likely because it was the only song she actually knew.
"Step inside, walk this way you and me babe, hey hey!" Starlyn shouted with her little fist in the air, Richard and me a bet ; Richard was convinced that Starlyn would be a rockstar, I was more convinced that she would be a lawyer. But it looked like Richard was winning the bet.
"Pour some sugar on me!" Starlyn shouted as the chorus blasted through the speakers in the big arena.
I couldn't help but laugh at Starlyn, she was fully into the process of remembering the words to her favorite song.
"Mommy please sit me down" Starlyn asked as the song finished. I decided to go for it but I shouldn't. As soon as Starlyns feet hit the ground she ran off, and she is fast.
"Starlyn, get back here!" I shouted but it was too late, she was running onto the stage and suddenly I heard the crowd go 'aaaww'.
I went to get a better look of the stage, Starlyn was in her fathers arms.
"Everybody say hello to Starlyn Noelle, she is my daughter" Richard said as he introduced everyone to Starlyn, and she wasn't shy, she never has been.
"Hi!" She screamed into the microphone.
"Daddy, play tag with me" she shouted and Richard sat her down and began chasing her. Starlyn was having the time of her life, she was giggling loudly whilst running but at some point had to stop and catch her breath.
Richard lifted her up in the air with his guitar still hanging around him.
She giggled loudly whilst Richard carried her as if she was on a plane ride towards me.
"Starlyn, I told you to stay here!" I exclaimed as Richard placed Starlyn in my arms.
"I'm sorry mommy" she said kissing my forehead.
"I'll go back out, love you baby" Richard said and pecked my lips and then ran out on the stage again.

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