Almost Perfect

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—Later that day—

Jungkook was just cleaning his room whilst waiting for Violet. He'd asked her to come round to talk, but didn't tell her the reason why. If he was being honest, he didn't really have much of a plan for how he was gonna break the news to her, or what it would mean when he tells her. The two aren't together anymore. Does it still class as cheating ?

Who was he kidding. It's Violet, of course it's classed as cheating.


"It's unlocked" Jungkook calls, Mrs Jeon entering into her sons bedroom all curious. "What are you doing ?"

"Just sorting a few things" the boy fluffs a random pillow before glancing at his mom. "What's up ?"

With an anxious face and a knotted stomach, the woman closes the door behind her. "Well..there's something I need to tell you"

"Can it wait ? Violets on her way round"

"Actually, that's who I wanna talk about"

"What ?"

"Promise you won't go all crazy ?"

"..I promise" he shrugs like it's nothing. But oh did he have no clue for the bombshell that was about to be dropped on him.

"Okay" the woman takes in a breath. "Well..that day Bomi came round, we got to talking. She told me she felt guilty for all the trouble she caused for your relationship with Violet. I genuinely thought she was being sincere—."

"Where are you going with this ?" Jungkook says with furrowed brows.

"Well" his mother lets out another breath. "After we talked, she needed to go to the bathroom, and I said she could use the downstairs one since your father was in the shower. She was taking a little too long, so I went to check on her. And. Well. I found her. Placing these weird objects around the house, some behind vases, and some behind photo frames..."

From the look in Jungkook eyes, Mrs Jeon knew her son was putting the pieces together.

"Jungkook I'm so sorry—."

"W-why, why, why, why didn't you..why didn't you tell me ?" The boy stutters out.

"Because" the woman blurts whilst stepping closer to him. "I saw an opportunity and I took it. I hoped that with Violet gone, our relationship would improve. I thought that she was the reason my son was so angry argumentative all the time, but it turns out, she was the reason for his happiness"

"Jungkook you've been nothing but miserable since the breakup. I thought it would get better, but the worse has happened. And I's all my fault. But I don't want my son who I love dearly, to be in any more pain"

It's silent.

"Jungkook won't you say something ?" Mrs Jeon looks at the boy with worried eyes.

"I don't think ..I can talk to you right now" he breathes out. "Violet will be here any second"

"Okay" the woman nods, feeling like a weight had been lifted from her chest. "I suppose we can talk later tonight. But ...only when you're ready. There's no rush at all"

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