Step 1 ..makeover

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I sat there on the bench on campus grounds , just soaking up the morning sun since it was scorching hot inside. Usually I would have earphones in but Taehyung has borrowed them for the fifth time , with no intention of returning. He knows they are ten times better then his , and that's simply because I have a lot of cool expensive stuff. My mother is a lead surgeon which is where the big stash of cash comes from. In case you were curious.

"Well if it ain't my little dark angel"

"Jimin" I smirked with closed eyes , keeping my head leaning up to face the sunlight. The boy just perched beside me and copied , a content sigh leaving his lips. "Why can't summer just all year round ?" he speaks , letting the breeze touch his firey ginger bangs. I've always loved Jimins crazy hair colours , they're always so vibrant and out there.

"So how is my Violet then ? Or have you changed your name again since I've been gone ?"


"Nah I actually like the new name"

"So how long are you back for this time ? A month ? Two ?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Till the term is over and I can actually get a job. Figured engineering is the way to go"

"Please you just wanna wear a tool belt around your waste and flirt with clients"

"Of course"

"Classic Jimin" I smirked.

He chuckled before turning to look at me , but I don't notice. "So I hear you're teaching someone"

"What ?"

"You're being a sex tutor"

"Oh Taehyung couldn't keep it to himself I see. That's surprising, he's usually good with my secrets"

"Why would you wanna keep this a secret ? Your sexual habits aren't exactly on the down low around campus Violet"

"Yes but if you saw Jungkook then you would understand why. I have a reputation you know"

"I have seen him around actually. He was heading this way with Taehyung"


"Yeah he doesn't look like your type now that I think of it ?"

"What gave it away ? The Harry Potter glasses or the greasy jelled parted hair look ?"

"Both. Plus I don't get how someone can just let their roots grow out like that. Especially when they are natural dark haired"

"Beats me"

"Anyway I better head off but . . I've missed you angel" He cooed whilst turning my chin towards him , my eyes opening to set on his. "Why don't we have a catch up tonight ?"

"I can't tonight. It's my first lesson with Jungkook"

"Night after ?"


"Excellent" he smirked before kissing my lips , allowing me to taste the sweet flavour of his cherry lip balm. He bites down on my lip and that's when I push him away. "Get lost already" I laugh , he smiled before strutting away and leaving me alone again to finish sunbathing.

I'm alone for a peaceful 2 minutes until the shade covers my face. I open my eyes to see Taehyung and Jungkook standing before me ,  Jungkook looking awkward as per usual and Taehyung with that goofy grin on his face. "Hey V"

"You're blocking the sun" I speak. Jungkook quickly jitters and moved to stand behind Taehyung. I find it annoying how easily frightened he gets , especially around me. I mean I know I come across as harsh but there's no need to shake like that is there ?

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