Do it for a friend

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Jungkook opens the door to Violets home and takes his shoes off , pushing them to the side. He notices the girl isn't in the living room as thought, so he heads up the stairs only to find her in her bedroom. He thought she was fast asleep till her head turned , her self now sitting up.
"Have you been stood there long ?" She asks.

"No..I-if you're tired we can—."

"—It's fine" she shakes her head before waving for him to come in. "We can't be too long with this lesson though , I forgot I made plans to meet a friend later"

"Jin ?"

"No but do you know about Jin ?"

"Hyung told me"

"Of course he did" she sighs before getting up from the bed. She grabbed her brush before catching her hair up into a pony tail , pulling out the side pieces before turning back to Jungkook. "Ok so let's just go straight into a bit of foreplay. Don't worry it's nothing sexual but of course you wouldn't know the difference but anyway let's—errrrm why are you staring at me ?"

"Hm ?" Jungkook suddenly snapped back to himself. He was secretly admiring how pretty Violet looked with her hair tied up , but of course he wasn't confident enough to speak his opinion. In case she would punch him clean in the face :)

"Weirdo" she muttered. "As I was saying. I think we should practice conversation topics. For example if the two of you are on a date , you don't want any silent moments do you ?"

He shook his head.

"So its always good to have a good conversation starter. And please don't ..bring up the weather. That will instantly make things dead and boring, so ask her something like her day was, or what she has planned for her weekend. The key is to let her know you're interested in what she does , without sounding too creepy. Yeah ?"

"Erm ..yeah"

"Let's just try. I'll be Bomi and you be your weird self" She scutches slightly closer to him on the bed, getting her self comfortable. She smiles at the boy and tilts her head. "Hey Jungkook"


"I love your style. Where did you get those shoes ?"

"I-I'm not mean ..Violet got me them"

The girls face instantly dropped before she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Jungkook don't tell her I bought them for you. Just say the name of the store"


"Again" she speaks before putting on a smile, switching back to her preppy act. "So Jungkook , maybe we could go clothes shopping sometime together. Since you have great style"

"Y-you wanna go shopping with me ?"

"No ..don't second guess your self. The key here for you is confidence, and right now I'm getting too much shy bunny vibes"

"Ok let's just start again"

Violet rolls her eyes before taking in a deep breath.

"Don't be like that I'm trying alright"

"Jungkook you're just over thinking. You need to just take a deep breath and flow with it"

"I can't just flow with it Violet it's too hard. Can we try a different approach ?"

"Jungkook there is no other approach , we are literally just sat on my bed acting out a scenario—."

"—I mean like ..m-maybe make me some flash cards ?"

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