Micha ?

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Jungkook had been at Violets house for almost 5 hours , their lesson ending not so long ago before he fell asleep on the couch. They had done a lot tonight , and the extra hickeys on both of their necks had proven that. Violet told him it was a good thing , and that it would help to make Bomi jealous and want him more.

After another hour or so Jungkook woke up , seeing that Violet was no longer on the couch with him. He stretched out his arms before sitting up , his lips pouted before his vision became less blurred.
"Noona ?" He called , but she wasn't around.

He stepped near the bottom of the stairs , his ears picking up on a soft sound. It was music , but nothing with lyrics or anything, and it didn't sound like it was coming from a speaker or CD player. He followed the sound up the stairs , it bringing him to a room with the door closed. Opening it he saw Violet sat playing the piano , her long brown hair draping down her spine whilst her fingers delicately pressed the keys.

When hearing his footsteps she instantly stopped , her head turning to look at the boy. "You're awake"

"You play well" he smiles before taking a seat on the bench with her. "Since when could you play piano"

"Only since last year. . A friend taught me"

"What song was that ?"

"Nothing. It's just a random melody from my head"

"And does this melody have a name ?"


"That's a shame. I think it deserves one, don't you ?"

" . . . Yeah well maybe I'll come up with one another time" she speaks before reaching out to pull the lid over the keys. That's when Jungkook picks up on the white scar again, stretching almost completely across her wrist. She closed the lid , about to get up when he grabs her hand. "Violet ..tell me about that scar"

She pulls her hand away, making him think she wasn't going to speak about anything, but surprisingly sits back down. Before, she was beaming with energy and confidence ..but now she looked almost . . . anxious. Something Jungkook had never witnessed before with the girl. "Fine. I'm not ashamed of it" she speaks, trying to come across as confident again. "Not sure if Taehyung told you but ..I was messed about by a few guys when I was younger. But ..one in particular lasted for around 2 years"

"I remember Hyung mentioning something about them being older ?"

She nods whilst rubbing her thumb over the scar softly , a small smile creeping onto her lips. "I was young and stupid. And with this guy ..I genuinely thought he was the one. But come on we all know teenage love stories never go well" she chuckles , and Jungkook smiled for some strange reason despite he serious atmosphere.

"Anyway. He didn't cheat on me or anything like that ..but the relationship wasn't a healthy one. He abused me ..But not as much physically as he did verbally. But the pain still felt just as violent because it affected my mental health in ways I can't describe. . . . . I became depressed, had to go on medication for a while to get better. . .Taehyung was there through it all, and I feel bad because he was the one having to pick up the pieces. But I'm so thankful he was there"

"Wasn't . .Wasn't your mother able to help ?" The boy asks innocently.

"She was never around" she breathes out, a smile of shame on her lips, ashamed that her own mother to this day still has no clue about the event.

Jungkook doesn't say anything , as he knows the story isn't over yet. However he wanted to comfort Violet and let her know he was there for her , but he knew she wasn't the type of person for soppy hugs or shoulder pats.

"Me and the guy split in the end, after Taehyung finally made me see the truth of our relationship. But I myself , wasn't the same after a while. I was a mess in fact . . . so bad that I had to leave school for a while"

"And I don't know if you know this but ...Violet isn't my real name"

"It isn't ?"

"No. My sir name still is Song ..but my actual name is Micha"

". . . Micha ?"

"It was my mother's choice , and she was told it meant beautiful daughter. But at that time ..the least I felt was beautiful"

Jungkook couldn't keep his voice in any longer , and he reached a hand out before taking hold of hers. "V-Violet" he speaks . . "Did you self harm your self ?"

"See that's what people thought when they saw the scar. . . But . . I wanted to do something more cowardly then that"

It doesn't take Jungkook long to realize what the girl meant by that.

"The medication wasn't working strong enough to keep me happy , or at least able to mask my dark feelings. So ..one night I ran the bath when my mother was away ..and I let the water flow to the top. I grabbed a razor blade and dragged it across my wrist and well .  .  . you can already guess what my intentions were"

"But . . It was as though Taehyung sensed something that night. Because he drove to my house and used his spare key to get in. It was him who drove me to the hospital that. . And sure . . the doctors were the ones to stitch the cut but . .i believe Taehyung was the one who saved me that night"

"Hyung never told me any of this" Jungkook speaks, his hand still holding onto hers gently until it slipped from his grip.

"He wouldn't have done" she shrugs. "He knew it was too personal for him to say ..he knew it should only ever be spoken by me"

"You said .." he looks down for a moment , his eyes landing on the scar again. He's unable to look away from it .. now that he knows the story behind that flesh and skin. "You said your real name was Micha. . . Why did you change it to Violet ?"

She smiles and traces her finger along the piano , her self so calm despite recalling a story she hadn't thought about since she was 15. "Tae chose it for me"

"Why Violet ?"

"What ?"

"Well..it's just. Violet isn't a traditional name , and one that's quite unique. So im guessing their was more reason beside the fact that it suited you" he smirks; and Violet can't help but laugh slightly, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She instantly wipes it with her fingers, but in a way, Jungkook wishes she hadn't. It was as though he wanted to witness more of her vulnerable side tonight.

"At the time . . I couldn't stop telling Taehyung how ugly I felt because of the scar. How undeserving I felt for my real name Micha. . It just felt like I was being someone else"

"So . . Taehyung simply said . . Let's make our own definition of Beauty for you ..one that suits you"

"And he asked me one question. Which was . . What color does red and blue make ?"

"Purple" Jungkook answers.

"Exactly. .He said the red blood that poured from my wrist that night , mixed with the blueness of my sorrows ..makes purple. However ..he then told me . .that the most beautiful shade of purple. . .

was Violet.
And ever since then that's what I've called my self"

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