New school

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[authors note: my second story! Just fyi the red string in this story can only appear if soulmates make skin to skin contact, so for any contact like tapping on the shoulder or grabbing the wrist or anything like that you can assume that there is some kind of clothing stopping skin to skin contact, anyways please enjoy!]

You walked to class almost shaking out of nervousness, you were now a third year at Nekoma high, you haven't met anyone yet and the idea of meeting new people makes you feel sick.

You came to school early so you would have some time to be alone, walking into an empty classroom you felt relieved

'At least I have some time to calm down before class...'

For the last two years you've gone to karasuno high, your dad got a job in Tokyo so you have to finish high school in Nekoma.

'Ill have to pick a club to join... how am I gonna do that... all the options suck...'

Your train of thought was disrupted as a few students walked into class, talking loudly.
You looked out the window, trying to ignore your loud classmates when you felt a light tap on your shoulder
You turned to see a tall guy with messy black hair standing next to you

"You're in my seat chibi Chan~"

"Ah sorry..." you said while standing up "oh and..." you turned back to look at him "don't call me that." you said with a passive aggressive smile

He smirked at you again and you moved to the seat in front of that one

'I have to be in class with this dude?'

More students filed into the classroom.

'Please no one recognize me....'

Eventually a girl looked at you, her eyes widened and she turned to talk to one of her friends. You put your head down slightly hoping people wouldn't look at you.

'Why's this always happen...'

you heard the talking about you continue

"she was at the top of the class in her old school..."

"Isn't she also being scouted by collages?"

"Pretty and smart... but from what I've heard she isn't so friendly... that's too bad, she could be popular"

'Calm down....'

You took deep breaths to calm down, but the more people talked the more you wanted them to stop...

"Will you all shut up? My life doesn't concern you. If you want to be on my level you should study instead of talking about other people."

People looked annoyed but stopped talking about you

'If you want to be on my level? Why would I say that.... there goes any chance I have of making friends.....'

You felt kicking at the back of your chair and turned around, to see the boy with the messy black hair smirking at you.

"Please stop kicking my chair."

"You're at the top of the class huh? That means you're now my rival"

You looked at him, a bit confused.

'His rival? He doesn't exactly look like the smart type...'

"Yeah right..."

"Don't think I'm on your level huh?"

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