Easter special

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[authors note: I wasn't able to do a Valentine's special for this story like I did with my Tsukki one, but Easter is here so why not, I'm not religious so I didn't put any religious Easter things in here, I just added the stuff that my family does for Easter! This'll probably be shorter than regular chapters but I hope you'll enjoy! Also this won't really follow the current storyline, it's just a side story!]

[easter morning]

'I'm so tired...'

Easter was always a pretty fun day for you, you would spend the day with your family, watching movies and playing games. It was never anything extravagant but spending a day with your parents was always something you looked forward to.

This year was different... your dad had taken a higher paying job in Tokyo which is why you had switched schools in the first place, unfortunately that also meant that he had to take a lot of business trips, and since he was new at the job he didn't want to take extra time off for a while.

Your mom liked to accompany him on the trips, she was a writer and travel was one of the best ways for her to get inspiration for her work.
Your parents trusted you to be fine home alone so they would leave for the trips and you were left at home.

'Alone on Easter... great... I shouldn't complain, my parents work hard because they want me to have a good life, I'm thankful for them. It's just... hard to be alone so much.'

You walked into the living room to see a stuffed bunny on the table, and a note.

Happy Easter y/n! we're sorry we couldn't be here this year. But we'll have a family day once we get back home! Please enjoy the day!

'My parents might not be home much, but they still put all the work they can into making sure I'm happy... I'm really lucky.'

You wandered around the house for a while, unsure what to do.

'Iv never really spent a Holliday alone like this... I'm not sure what to do'

Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. opening the door, you were greeted by a blushing kuroo, holding flowers.

"Happy Easter Chibi Chan~"

You felt tears well up in your eyes before jumping onto kuroo, wrapping your arms around him.

"Happy Easter catboy..."

As you pulled away kuroos eyes widened.

"W-wait why are you crying? What happened? are you alright?"

"Dont worry, it's happy tears... You cheered me up a lot."

"Cheered you up? Were you sad before?"

"Kinda... I just haven't spent an Easter alone before."

Kuroo stopped to think for a minute.

"Then let's spend the day together!"

"R-really? You don't have any plans?"

"Nope! My parents have work stuff today!"

Kuroo noticed you getting teary eyed again and wrapped his arms around you.

"You're a total baby"

"Shut up catboy"

The two of you spent the rest of the day together, cooking and watching movies.

'I guess being home alone isn't that terrible...'

"Thank you kuroo... I l-love you"

"I love you more chibi Chan~"

"It's not a competition... although I'm gonna win, I love you more catboy."

"You wish! I-"

You cut kuroo off with a kiss.

"Y-yeah ok you win..."

[end of Easter special]

[authors note: chxjjfjddjjd may not be the best chapter iv done but I think it's pretty cute :)
I started making one shots! They'll be posted on my wattpad and my Instagram (Owlbee_writing)
So far iv only made one, but I'm really proud of it!

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