22 : GREYSON-Teach Me

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Synamie Blake... My God. She's pure and innocent and can hardly look at a shirtless guy without cringing and hiding. But for whatever reason—which is beyond me—with me, she is bold. She takes what she wants when she wants it, but in the sweetest, most tender way. That fierce, yet gentle confidence wires my brain.

I was worried that the kiss in the club pushed her too far, but her perfect little nipples were hard for me and I could practically feel her arousal rolling off of her in waves of burning heat. It wasn't a horny and desperate, I'll screw your brains out right here in the middle of the bar type of arousal that I'm very much used to. It was more coy and surprising, like she was shocked her body could feel such things.

And then she looked at me, really looked at me, and touched me. Oh my lord did she touch me. And that kiss...

Alright, rehashing all the events from tonight is not helping my hard-on right now. Jerking off will take too long, and my sleepy Syn is waiting for me in bed. Fuck it, I need to finish up in here and go cuddle her. My dick can wait.

I quickly wash myself and dry off, not even bothering to comb through my hair, and practically skip like a fucking toddler out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped low on my waist, eager to be next to her.

But what I see when I open the door to my bedroom fucking floors me.

"Syn?" I choke, gawking at her.

Her hand is between her thighs under the towel, legs squirming slightly out in front of her, back propped low on the pillow.

Her eyes snap open and land directly on mine, her face burning crimson as she quickly pulls her hand away and uses it to grip the top of the towel as if it might fall off.

Holy hell. Syn is masturbating right now. In my bed.

"Oh, my God." Her turquoise eyes are huge and guilty looking.

"Sorry," I quickly say, moving my hand to push down my still-erect dick, which is now so hard it physically hurts. This is stuff out of my wet fucking dreams right here.

"Oh my God!" she repeats in a little squeak.

I rub the scruff on my chin to cover my smile, but holy mother of fuck. I'm so glad this explosive sexual chemistry isn't all in my head. "Don't stop on my account," I say, dipping my chin to visually avert my gaze. "I'll wait in the bathroom while you finish up." I cannot believe Synamie Amara Blake is rubbing her pussy in my bed. "Or I could go downstairs if you'd feel more comfortable with that," I babble. "Yeah, I'm gonna do that."

I, with my head still down, start walking toward the bedroom door. When my hand touches the cool metal handle, I hear a quiet noise come from Syn's mouth.

I turn my head and see her now sitting on the edge of the bed, her knees squeezed tightly together. She's giving me a pleading look, and fuck if that doesn't make my cock pulse.

"What did you say?" I ask, surprised by the gravel in my voice.

"I said stay."


I fully turn my body around to her.

"Stay and do what, exactly?"

This can't be real.

She stands to her feet and her short stature is so cute, I sigh. "I don't know," she tells me quietly. "But I don't want you to leave."

Jesus. A million thoughts and ideas run through my mind of all the things I've dreamt of doing to her. Of doing with her. But I, very emptily, but still, promised myself I wouldn't take her virginity, her innocence.

Sweet as SynNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ