30: SYN-Pink Whitney and Assless Chaps

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"Let's go, Eagles! Come on, boys!" I shout to Greyson's flat screen, chucking popcorn in the air as Greyson throws a beautiful pass to Hunter, who catches it and sprints it to the end zone for another successful play. My heart does a little flip when they do their signature celly, which is a weird sort of dolphin dive into each other, then the worm.

Thank the lordy lord those two worked their issues out, because I don't know what I would have done if Hunter kept being a sulking sour puss any longer. I completely understand that it's an adjustment, but I really went out of my way to make sure it wasn't weird or any different, and the absolute last thing I wanted to do was have to end it with the guy I'm falling embarrassingly hard for.

"Crap," I curse when a guy double Greyson's size rails into his side, knocking him like a rag-doll, intercepting him fifteen yards out. The ball he was holding goes flying as he gets dragged along the turf and crushed under this Notre Dame player who I now hate. "Screw you, man!"

"Woah, what did I ever do to you?"

I completely forgot Navi was on speakerphone.

"Ha-ha. Greyson just got molly whopped, and it looks like the guy snapped a few of his ribs."

I have a sick feeling in my stomach for him. I love watching him sprint down the field in those sexy, ass-hugging pants, but as a quarterback, he's either making touchdowns or getting tackled to the ground by guys fifty pounds heavier.

Honestly, I love watching guys get pummeled on the field, but when it's my guys, not so much.

"I'd probably throw up if I watched football. Watching people get rammed into by choice makes me queasy."

"Nav, you are the biggest nerd alive."

"Says the nerd who does better than me on every exam."

I take a breath as Greyson props himself up and walks it off like it's nothing. What a trooper. It makes me feel all the more special that this burly, powerful man is nothing but gentle with me, though he could put a guy in a coma with a measly punch.

"So anyways, Miss ADHD," Navi continues even though I'm paying no attention to him whatsoever. "Can me and Ari actually come to the party? I feel like none of your football friends will want us 'nerds' to drink with them."

Now he has my attention. "Nav, you, Ari and everyone else in our study group are invited, and my friends are going to love all of you." I never want anyone to feel inferior or left out like I did by my teammates. "Actually, they couldn't be more excited to meet you. They think you have massive balls for coming over to me at the diner that day and introducing yourself. That was super cool of you."

"They're right, my balls are massive," he chortles. "But thanks, Syn. You're a good friend. Especially since you're surprising the guys with the craziest party of the year. They're going to be stoked that they don't have to organize anything. Hosting events gives me heartburn."

"See, I don't actually enjoy making fun of you, but you keep walking right into it. You're just such a dork."

"Sorry not all of us are equally smart and cool. Friggin' cheerleader dating the star quarterback." There's a pause. "You can't see me right now, but I'm shaking my head."

"I'm hanging up now," I sing. "See you tomorrow!"

"Still shaking my head," he calls out before I press the red button, my attention swinging back to the game.


"Surprise!" the hundred fifty or so people I've invited over scream when the four boys and I walk into the house.

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