24: GREYSON-Synamie Freaking Blake

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After practice, I try my best to keep my eyes open in my Auditing and Federal Taxation class, but would rather watch paint dry.

Or eat the paint.

I pull my phone out and scroll past the hundreds of notifications until my eye catches the little bear emoji, and my heart pounds its metaphorical fist in the air.

Bear: Cookies after practice? Craving something sweet. And feeling a tad homicidal rn.

Me: Convinced you are a demonic child disguised in a skin suit—Syn suit, if you will—and sugar is the only thing keeping the horns from breaking through.

Bear: I am hemorrhaging out of my puss. If you were too, I'm sure you'd be just as demonic.

Me: Excuse me? Your period, Syn. You're on your period.

The entire lecture hall twists in their seats to flash me perplexed looks when a laugh slips out. I'm in the second to last row, but I even caught the attention of Professor Mazor. I give him an apologetic head nod, and when he continues on with the world's most dreadful lecture, I etch a harsh glare on my face at all the eyes still on me. I don't think these people were aware I was capable of laughter.

Bear: Period isn't a fitting word for it. Period sounds like a peaceful time. This is a bloody crime scene. It deserves a more aggressive name.

How. Can. You. Not. Love. This. Girl.

No fucks given. Unapologetically herself. Funny as hell.

Me: Whatever you want to call it. Good to know dry humping can't get you preggers.

Bear: ANYWAYS... The girls have it out for me today and I might need you to come and escort me from the gym. You know, to prevent a murder or ten.

Me: Why are they giving you shit?

Bear: Maybe they can sense that I barged into your shower last night.

Me: Fuck. Don't remind me.

Bear: What every woman wants to hear.

Me: No lol, not like that.

I lower my phone and snap a pic of my stiffy to send her, then shrug at the group of girls sitting in my row, watching me and giggling. It's for my girl, I mouth to them, and they stop giggling, and stare longingly at my crotch.

Me: If you ever want to get me hard in an inappropriate location, you've got your ammo.

The room grows quiet again and I look up to see Mazor's eyes in the same place as the girls'. Dude is staring at my crotch. To be fair, I am man-spreading. No shame.

I give him a look that says, What are you gonna do about it? Just continue your lecture, dude. It's not illegal to have a big dick. Everyone gets boners. Mine is just hard to hide.

Me: Prof is currently lecturing to my penis.

Bear: I'm embarrassed to be your friend.

Me: Hey, now. Take that back.

Bear: I take it back. See you at 3:30, Creepy McBoner.

Me: Have fun at practice, Puss Hemorrhaging Demon Child.

Welp. It's good to know nothing has changed.

On my way out of the lecture hall, I am bombarded by three very enthusiastic girls. Class let out at three, which only gives me a few minutes to cross campus and get to the gym. I was kind of hoping to catch the last bit of Syn's practice.

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