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As soon as I entered the Harem I got attacked with questions about his Majesty but thankfully Mary saved me and soon enough Cennet Kalfa informed me that I would be moving into the favorites chambers.


"It's beginning to get dark outside and the sultan still hasn't sent for me!" I let out frustrated.

Call me impatient but I already miss his touch, the say he says my name so beautifully and oh, his scent!

Mary sighs putting her book down, "calm down hatun! Surely the Sultan will request you soon!" She rolls her eyes thinking I wouldn't notice but I did and I turn quickly to look at her.

I put my hands on my sides, "shut up Mary, stop talking your voice annoys me!" I say raising my voice slightly.

Two girls walk over to me and Mary with smirks on their faces.

Teresa and Gülfem are their names. Teresa comes from a wealthy family but they also much debt that they had to sell their daughter, I surely can relate to that.

And Gülfem was brought by Valide Sultana a few months ago, long before I arrived and the Sultan favored her for some time but he lost interest quickly.

"Look at you, Benetta, barely been here a week and the Sultan is already enchanted by you!" Gülfem raises her eyebrows and smirks, I scoff and continue to pace back and forth.

"Perhaps you're a witch?" Teresa gasps making me stop moving and slowly turn to her and Gülfem.

"What did you just say?" I take a deep breath in as I step closer to the pair,
"I mean it is rather odd that you were so crazy when you first got here and now you're liked by everyone and you seemed to get the Sultan's attention!" Gülfem step closer to me bravely.

"Watch your words Gülfem–" I look down at the floor not even wanting to look the foolish girl in the eyes.

"Aww, little Benetta is scared to look me in the eyes, " Gülfem giggles, and then she begins to stroke my hair to see if I will do anything and of course myself being me I do.

I look Gülfem in the eyes and I grip her chin roughly, "I said watch your words."

Mary yanks my arm and attempts to pull me away but there is no one able to stop me now from killing this idiot girl.

I push Gülfem to the ground and with that action, the harem girls begin to pile up to watch everything go down.

"I've just gotten here and everyone is attacking me–" I shout, "first Kosem and now you!" I yell, beginning to punch Gülfem in the face.

"Someone help!" Teresa yells out before running off to find Cennet Kalfa.

Soon enough Cennet arrives and pulls me off of Gülfem's beaten-up body, "Let me go!" I yell at Cennet.

"I don't have time for this!" Cennet yanks my hair roughly, "Your fate is with Valide Sultana now, " she huffs.

What have I've done?


Cennet Kalfa pushes me into the room and I see Handan Sultana looking over some Harem paperwork.

I see pregnant Kosem sitting there on a pillow holding her belly tightly.

"I am sorry Valide sultana but-"
Cennet pushes me to the floor and I just sit there in shame, "this is Benetta the girl you had picked to dance for his Majesty, she ended up getting picked but now she has just beaten up another favorite of the Sultan.." Cennet huffs.

Kosem gasps, "You sent her Valide?"

Handan Sultan is quick to shut Kosem up and after that, she moves right on to me.

"I can't believe I let a snake even be in the presence of my precious lion!" She sighs, "Cennet Kalfa lock this insolent girl in the dungeons, and keep her there until I see fit that she a removed."

I dash over to Handan Sultana grabbing onto her gown tightly, "please Valide, please don't send me there! I'll do better! I promise, " I beg as I begin to sob.

"You should have thought of that before you beat up an innocent girl!" She yanks her gown from my hands.

"Who was the girl Cennet?" Handan asks worriedly.

Cennet looks down at the floor, "it was Gülfem my sultana..." Cennet admits.

"How could you!?" Handan Sultana yells and soon enough she slaps my face leaving a mark.

"I want her locked up this instant Cennet Kalfa!" Handan shouts, Cennet nods her head and pulls me out of the room after she bows.

I've messed up so badly... This will be the end of me, I just know it.

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