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IT'S BEEN a few weeks since I gave birth to my Miray, there have been many celebrations over time, and they only recently stopped.

I hold Miray in my arms tightly, I hum a lullaby to her so that she can calm down and sleep.

Soon enough she falls asleep in my arms, I smile and kiss her forehead before I put her in her cot.

I smile to myself as I softly rock her cot back and forth.

For some reason watching her sleep brings me comfort, it makes me feel safe knowing that she is safe.

I sigh and stand up brushing off my gown. Since the birth of Miray, I've been gifted new gowns, crowns, and much more.

I am grateful for it all but still, the girls in the harem treat me like an old servant! When I gave birth to Miray I lost respect from many people, I even expected Safiye Sultan to stop speaking to me or think of me as less but she didn't...

She did warn me that if I didn't have a Sehzade soon i'd never gain respect in this Palace, which is true but I don't think it's good for me to give birth again so soon after Miray.

I walk over to a mirror in my room and I run my hands down my dress.
My chamber doors swing open making me turn my head instantly.

I see Mary Hatun and Murad Agha come in, I sigh putting my hands on my hips.

"Miray is sleeping and you two just come in being all loud!" I whisper/shout.

Murad Agha moves closer to me, "I'm sorry Hatun but there is something you have to know, " he nervously says.

I look over at Mary Hatun and she nods her head, I glance at Miray before taking a deep breath in and pulling Murad Agha away from her so she won't awaken.

"What? And it better be important, " I say crossing my arms over my chest, Murad Agha shales his head quickly, "I would never come to you with foolishness Hatun, " he reassures me.

"Well then spit it out! Don't keep me waiting, " I frustratedly say, Murad Agha, takes a deep breath in before continuing, "Mahfiruz Sultan locked herself and her princes in her chambers, and she isn't letting anyone in, " He says.

"What about her daughter?" I asked worried about the young sultana.

Mahfiruz managed to have two princes by the sultan and one daughter, Osman, and Bayezid.
Mahfiruz neglects her children and rather boast about how she's a higher rank than me and Kösem than care for her children.

It's truly sad and even when Kösem arrived and captured the Sultan's heart for a bit she would throw fits every time the Sultan requested Kösem instead of her, she would even take it out on her children sometimes, the worst was when she almost dropped her daughter into the pond when she was so angry.

And from all the stories I've heard, she doesn't even treat the princes as they should be treated!

"Hatice Sultana is with Valide Handan Sultan at the moment, " he says, I nod my head walking over to my bed.

"Does his Majesty know of this?" I ask sitting on my bed but keeping my eyes on Murad.

Murad shakes his head, "Handan Sultan refuses to tell the Sultan, she says she doesn't want to worry him, " He answered.

"Of course she doesn't want him to know, " I scoff, "if something happens to the princes then Sehzade Mehmed will be the crown prince making Kösem a higher rank than me!" I raise my voice angrily.

Unexpectedly Miray wakes up with a loud cry.

I slap my forehead in frustration before going over to her and picking her up.

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