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AHMED SET off to campaign just four weeks ago and it's been terrible here without him.

There have been many parties in the harem that I have been forbidden to enjoy on Handan Sultana's orders.

Honestly, I didn't mind it so much, I got spent more time with Miray and watch her grow up, I didn't want to miss anything I feel as if I look away for just a second I'll miss everything.

Ahmed has sent multiple beautiful letters keeping me sane and grounded. I didn't know what I would feel without him being here but so far I am not breaking down and crying constantly.

I rock Miray in my arms slowly watching as she falls asleep with a soft yawn.

I giggle looking at her beautiful face, "I'll protect you my shining moon, " I whisper admiring my daughter's beauty.

This special bonding moment quickly comes to an end when Cennet Kalfa comes rushing into my chambers with a worried expression on her face.

I sigh putting Miray in her infant cot before standing up with my arms crossed over my chest.

"What have I told you about just walking in here! And I just put Miray asleep and you know how hard that is to do!" I whisper/shout.

Cennet Kalfa takes a deep breath in, "Zeynep I need to give you this, and it is much more important than anything at the moment, " she says in a rush.

I tilt my head in confusion, "what?" I ask curiously, Cennet Kalfa takes a step closer towards me.

"There has been news of a rebellion against the Sultan, " she admits truthfully.

My arms drop from my chest in shock, "what? How?" I ask not believing what she had just said.

"Janissaries who want to betray Sultan Ahmed Khan and harm the dynasty, " she says in a spiteful way.

"Does the sultan know about this?" I ask putting my hands on my hips, Cennet Kalfa shakes her head softly.

I take a deep breath in flopping on my mattress, "what will we do? What if the rebellion grows stronger?" I ask two questions as quickly as I can already feeling the tears build up in my eyes.

Cennet Kalfa kisses her teeth, "don't cry Hatun, I'm sure nothing will happen," she says trying to comfort me.

"How big is the rebellion? How many men join forces against my Ahmed?" I ask standing up and going over to Miray's infant cot.

Cennet Kalfa moves next to me with a smile on her face as she looks at me and Miray.

I lift my dress getting on my knees placing a hand on Miray's cot.

"My precious shining moon, my Miray, " I say softly kissing her forehead.

"Hatun you are such a good mother, and you'll be a great sultana, " Cennet points out.

"Indeed, " I say mindlessly putting a hand on my lower stomach, "I'll protect you and your sibling, " I mumble not expecting Cennet Kalfa to hear.


Cennet Kalfa gasps and points a finger towards me.

I sigh standing up, "yes, I'm pregnant, two weeks along, " I say holding my hands up.

Cennet Kalfa smiles widens with joy, "thank Allah! And hopefully, you will give the dynasty a Sehzade this time!" She exclaims happily.

"I don't want to give birth to a prince with no chance, no one knows what will happen to Ahmed but if anything is to happen my prince would be the first to die, " I say truthfully.

"Now tell me how many men are in the rebellion, I promise I won't faint, " I say putting my hands on my hips.

Cennet Kalfa sighs,  "9,670 to be exact," Cennet Kalfa confesses.

My breath hitched, "does Handan Sultana know?" I ask shakenly,
Cennet Kalfa shakes her head.

"Keep this a secret, between us only, I know the news will hit to everyone that there is a rebellion building but for now keep it quiet, " I sternly say.

Cennet Kalfa's eyes widen, "But do you think that it would be a good idea to keep this a secret when it could harm members of the Ottoman dynasty?" She asks.

I scoff, "Are you questioning my discussion Kalfa?" I say folding my arms over my chest.

Cennet Kalfa quickly shakes her head, "Of course not Hatun, you have shown me kindness and I am at your service forever!" She defensively answers.

I smile nodding my head, "Good, and make sure to try keep the rebellion a secret in the harem for as long as you can, " I remind her.

Cennet Kalfa smiles and nods before leaving the room hastily.

I rub my flat belly softly, "I'll protect you and your sister, little baby, " I say smiling to myself.



I know a/n's are annoying but I just to clarify.

Zeynep gave birth almost four months ago.


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