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"Wait what?"

"Didn't hear me?"

Hades grinned. Since he'd received such a burning question from the lightning god, why not give some of those burns to his next victim?

It's time to burn the fire god himself, he thought.

"I asked if you like the feeling of Aphrodite sitting on your lap."

Well, that's something, having the most beautiful person (or rather, deity) sit on you. What should I say? Hephaestus thought. Honored? Excited? Amused?

Nope. The itch was still bugging him to Tartarus.

His wife looked at him in a curious expression, and the blacksmith blushed. Oh no. Oh no. Just no.

"Um, oh sorry...I'm too focused on that itch in my leg to really feel anything besides annoyed."

The rest of the gods looked at him as if he was a splotch of mud on Aphrodite's clothing, but Hephaestus swiftly changed the scene.

"Poseidon!" he called.

"Wait, me?" called the god.

"Yeah. Uh, you." He cleared his throat to get rid of his awkwardness and spoke again.

"Truth or dare?

"Eh...fine. Dare," answered the sea god. "Thought it's not like I want to embarrass myself or anything."

And then you are going to regret you chose dare, thought a glaring Athena.

"Go to a beach, wear a bikini and sandals, and say you have barnacles on your feet to someone."

"Hey!" The god cried in protest. "Ares had that dare!"

Athena sighed. She wasn't Apollo, but she knew this was coming.

"For your information," she said, "Your dare makes a lot of difference. You have to go to the beach and-"

Poseidon disappeared before he could hear any more lectures from the goddess. She really knew how to annoy him to death.

After all that, Hestia, who was secretly scarred about those dares with "almost" public nudity, thought about what would happen to the mortals when they see Poseidon's godly body hair. She decided to watch the horrible scene and hoped it wouldn't go bad while the others were laughing at the dare.

"I like this! He's gonna get it!" Ares laughed as he doubled over.

"I cannot imagine him really doing this! What insanity!" Hera exclaimed, fanning herself with a fan made of peacock feathers to somehow decrease her perturbation.

Poseidon could almost hear the rest of the gods saying, "Montauk? Again? Really?"

But it can't be helped. He loved that beach more than anywhere else in the world since a series of beautiful things happened.

The god grumbled about the crazy dare, and then realized he was still in his Hawaiian outfit. He then entered the men's room, entered a cubicle, and changed to a bikini and women's flip flops with a snap of his finger. After counting to ten, he opened the door, ready to reveal his hideous look.

To his horror, someone familiar saw him first.

Paul Blofis.

He knew the guy as Percy's stepfather, whom he met during his son's fifteenth birthday party. Unfortunately, the man still recognized him very well too, so an awkward tension developed around them.

"Uh," he started to speak to break the tension between them. "You're Percy's dad, right?"

Poseidon felt so insecure with his chest hairs that he thought Paul was speaking so he could somehow avoid looking at it.

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