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Hephaestus had his right calf itching. Oh, how he wanted to scratch it thoroughly...

It was just that the goddess of love and beauty was sitting on his lap.

It was impossible. No, it was possible-he could do it- but he would never dare do it.

Not with her on his lap.

So he bit his lower lip, thinking that maybe the itch would just disappear. His eyes were twitching, though.

Aphrodite closed her eyes and inhaled, and then exhaled after a few seconds.

"Zeus," she called.

The aforementioned god widened his eyes.

"Truth or dare?" she asked, almost sounding like a chant.

"Truuuuuuuuuuu-" and then he hesitated, ", no, no..."

He was droning, making the atmosphere boring. It then stirred irritation among a few deities.

"Can you please just choose now?" chided Poseidon.

"Father, please, for the love of Olympus," seconded Artemis.

The king of the gods puckered his lips and said, "Dare."

Aphrodite puffed her cheeks and beamed.

"I dare you to wear a mini skirt!"

Everyone gave looks at Aphrodite, now imagining Zeus in the apparel.

"It's...uninteresting," muttered Hades.

"Skirts are almost like the tunics we wore back then," uttered Athena, "so why that dare?"

The others thought of the same. The dare was not that entertaining.

But Hera was contemplating on something else.

Not those, thought the goddess. Anything but those, oh goodness gracious!

Zeus was also not amused by the dare. He snapped his fingers to make a mini skirt replace the clothing of his bottom half.

And that was where the horror began.

Apollo screamed like a girl, Artemis looked like she wanted to cry, Athena to vomit, Poseidon's eye twitched, Hades grimaced, Hera shook her head gravely, and well...the others were doing hideous expressions.

And then someone came wolf-whistling.

"Hot damn, look at those leg hairs!"

Heads craned to the war god, who stood at the door of the throne room.

"Like you've never seen them before, Ares," said Zeus in an exasperated manner.

"Mom was the one who usually saw it all," he answered back as he goes to his throne. All their eyes met Hera, who was covering her face in shame.

It took a while for Ares to register the fact that Aphrodite was on her husband's lap, and his jaw became wide open in response.

"What the heck are you doing there?" he asked her.

"It was a dare," she answered. "And hey, you didn't show up when we were supposed to have our date!"

"Buuuuuuuuuuuurn!" Bellowed Apollo as the couple was arguing.

"That line's for Hephaestus, dummy!" scolded Hermes.

"I'm the sun god, I can own that pun!"

"Place water to the burned area!" chimed Poseidon.

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