Horsieback Ride

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"My turn!" Hermes cheered for himself as the grin was still plastered on his face.

"Apollo!" He pointed to the sun god. "Truth or-"

Apollo cut Hermes with a haiku, in which he was obsessed with since his visit to Japan.

"In this dreadful game,

Hermes chose me as victim,

Why am I so hot?"

Artemis face palmed. He may be the god of poetry, but he sucks at haikus.

"Truth or dare?" Hermes repeats.

"Dare!" He answers dauntlessly.

"Okay then! Pick a god and ride on them! They have to let you ride as long as you wish! Except for me, of course!"

"Ooh!" Now that's interesting, Apollo thought. At least he isn't screwed. He started contemplating on who he could hop on.

Whom to choose? Zeus? Nope. He couldn't stand his shame with his recent dare. Artemis? Never. That twin sister of his would rip him to pieces. Athena? Unwise. Very, very unwise. Hephaestus? No. The god's crippled!

"Poseidon!" He calls.

"What?!" The sea god seemed startled. "Me?"

"Oh, it's gonna be a horsieback ride!" Hermes laughs.

"Come on, horsie!" Apollo acted childishly, just like what five year olds do with their uncles.

"Eh, fine." Poseidon scratched the back of his neck and placed himself in a crawling position.

The sun god immediately leapt on Poseidon's back. The sea god grunted in pain. He never gave someone a piggyback ride for a really long time. That one time he did it was when his son Triton was having really bad tantrums as a toddler. And that was thousands of years ago.

"Okay, I quit." Apollo finally unmounted poor Poseidon and sat back on his throne. The sea god painfully walked to his throne as he grumbled something about Triton being a spoiled brat.

"Lady Hera," the sun god pointed at the queen of the gods. "Truth or dare?"

"I choose truth," she answers. No crazy gags for me, thank you very much.

"What's it like to be in your dad's stomach?"

Hera grimaced as she recalled the years with Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon and Hades in Kronos' stomach for years. Kronos, the leader of the titans, was told that one of his children would overthrow him, so he ate them.

"First of all," she answers. "It was horribly disgusting. Being in Kronos' stomach was like living in a muck of garbage. There's pungent odor everywhere. The stomach itself was rumbling as if there was earthuake."

Everyone shuddered.

"Second, why do you want to know?"

"I was curious. Dad never told me about it."

"He wouldn't want us to know," Artemis tapped her brother's shoulder. "Trust me." Dad wasn't in Kronos' stomach. Come on. Unless you want to.

"I guess it's my turn," The queen of the gods made a smile of contentment. "How about...Hestia?"

"Huh?" The goddess by the fireplace looked surprised. "Me?"

"Why? Do you think you were not included in this game?" Asks her sister.

"I must have been very busy with my fireplace," she replied.

"I see. So, dear sister, truth or dare?"

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