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"Aw," cooed Poseidon. "That was...motherly."

Hera's cheeks went hot. Watching after those rambunctious demigods was tiring.

But she enjoyed it.

The goddess dismissed the thought and sat on her throne. She found it annoying that the other gods found it touching.

"Um, you know what?" Apollo suddenly spoke. "I think my young lady is detecting things."

"Young lady?" Artemis repeated.

"Rachel. She's feeling kind of eerie," said the twin god.

"Well, perhaps you gave her a prophecy?"

"Good point," said Hera. "And he started it, remember?"

"Yeah." Agreed Hermes. "Athena and the Percabeth cheer dare!"

Athena glared at the messenger god. When she thought they would all forget her embarrassing moment. She sighed in disappointment.

"I feel like asking Apollo," Hera suddenly declared, and asked the question.

"Uh...dare?" He answered with hesitation. The goddess grinned.

"I remembered hearing from Jason earlier that Nico was with Will in the infirmary."

As if on cue, Hestia poked her flames. The view of Camp Half Blood was replaced by that of the infirmary. In the said room were Nico and Will, who were cleaning stuff.

And the two were all alone.

Apollo flashed a disturbed look.

"Solangelo," smirked Artemis.

That disturbed her twin brother even more. "Woman, why are you acting like Aphrodite?!" He half-yelled. Aphrodite was almost taken aback, and her husband felt the jolt.

"No I'm not," Protested the huntress, "They're both boys, anyway, and they have nothing to do with my hunters or anything."


"Children, we're in the middle of the game."

The twins were suddenly stopped by their father. As they looked to face Zeus, he immediately looked at Hera to continue.

"I dare you to be invisible and sing Somebody to You. And only Nico should hear it."

Aphrodite giggled. Awkward love story, she said in thoughts.

"What the...Lady Hera," Apollo blurted in surprise, "You listen to The Vamps?!"

Everyone looked at her. Hera looked back with a stern gaze, as if saying, "What's wrong?" Apparently Hephaestus voiced it out.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Who the heck are The Vamps, anyway?"

Hera snarled, along with Aphrodite's gasp. What she needed was someone to defend her for her fangirling, not someone who had been living under a rock.

Aphrodite looked back at Hephaestus. "You don't know about them? They're one of those boy bands that are popular today."

"Oh," answered the enlightened blacksmith, "Like those One Distraction guys?"

"You might mean One Direction?"

"Oh," he laughed awkwardly. "Yes, that." How'd he know anyway? He rarely got out of his forge, making new innovations and everything. Those One Distraction songs just so happened to reach his realms by those crazy nymphs passing by and chatting about five British boys who conquered the world. To him this fangirling thing was weird. Especially now that he learned his mother was idolizing one.

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