Never Gonna

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"Guys, please be good to pick dare."

Hermes has his hands clasped right in front of his face as he bowed. The deities understood that truths can be boring, but who would want to be dared by Hermes "the prank god", anyway? They were all in discomfort.

With that, the messenger god changed his game plan.
"Oh boy, you sure all are cowards!" He exclaimed,  throwing his hands in the air.

And it triggered. Everyone else reacted. Athena hissed, her eyebrows hardening. Hades looked like he was run over by a rock. Aphrodite's jaw dropped really hard.

But one of them had perfectly bit the bait.

"Are you calling me a coward?!" barked Ares angrily.

Hermes' lip curled. "Well you are, unless you're tough enough to say 'dare.'"

The god of war sneered.
"Dare!" He said. Hermes wanted to laugh at Ares' naivety, but he forced composing himself.

"Alright, Ares!" The messenger god said happily, making a snap with his fingers. The other gods and goddesses inwardly sighed. They already knew what would be of the war god.

"I dare you to go to the nearest subway and dab 'Never Gonna Give You Up'!"

Ares gazed blankly. "What?"

From the way he spoke, Ares was confused. Hermes inwardly frowned, realizing the war god was unfamiliar with the key terms.

" know what dab is, right?" He asked.

"The heck is that?"

Hermes wanted to scream.

"O-oh, w-hy...h-how come...d-d-dab''s..."

"Why does Hermes look weird?" Whispered Poseidon to Zeus in their thrones.

"I don't even know," shrugged the lightning god, "probably disappointed."

The other deities didn't understand how Hermes was acting. A second ago he was happy he got to dare Ares, but now his face looked like a raisin.

"This one's what he met by 'dab', Ares," called Athena from her throne, showing what the word meant from her laptop.

"Google images?" Apollo said, his eyes squinting at the sight of Athena's screen.

"Why?" Asked the goddess. "I want a quicker reference."

The sun god shrugged and frowned, scrunching his eyebrows.

"GIF's are better," he muttered.

"Well I think I get the gist or whatever," grunted the war god as he scratched the nape of his neck. He readjusted the straps of his bra before disappearing.

Murmurs were everywhere the moment Ares walked into the subway.  It definitely isn't every day that men would flaunt their sexy bikini over their biker outfit.

The war god was about to begin his dare but then he forgot: how was he going to dance that...dob-dub-what was it again- if there isn't the music he was told to dance along with?

He was occasionally sneering at the teenage boys who kept wolf whistling at him when he heard a familiar beat from the speakers the moment a train left. He knew he'd heard it before, but he forgot when. It could have been twenty to thirty years ago...

And then it made sense the moment it reached the chorus.

The song!

He awkwardly raised his arms in a diagonally upward position towards his right side, his left arm bent. Ares then realized it wasn't much of a dance, so he moved his hips to the beat, or so at least in his own consistent beat. As expected, everyone in the subway was staring at him.

Biker dude + Bikini + Weird Dab to old song. Yes, it was something very uncommon.

He continued his weird little dance until the song ended.

"What was that?"

Hephaestus looked like he wanted to roll on the floor as he laughed to Ares dancing.

"Well, I'm a god for battle, not of dance!" The war god protested against the fire god.

"Yes," said Hephaestus, "but you clearly won't win a dance battle!"

A few "Ohh's" were yelled at Ares. Hephaestus sure knew how to burn.

"I sure hope that gave Rick justice," muttered Apollo. "He might have seen that from the underworld."

Poseidon heard it and weakly nodded. "I really liked the song, too."

Ares was now glaring at Hephaestus. Everyone else now knew what was going to happen next.

"Truth or dare, loser?" The war god asked.

He's being impulsive again, thought Hephaestus. He chose truth again.

"Are you some kind of coward?"

Hephaestus barely reacted to Ares' question.

"I prefer calling it 'saving my hide', thanks," he said. "Really though, Ares, aren't you going to stop bullying me?"

Ares half sneered. "I'm not gonna."

A mischievous grin made it to the blacksmith's face.

"You might mean, Never Gonna."

For a moment, the throne room was silent. Hephaestus just burned the war god again.

"Ohh!" Yelled the male deities in unrecoverable shock. Hera sighed, Athena and Artemis grinned, and Hestia and Aphrodite giggled. Demeter...never understood what was going on.

Zeus really wanted to say "That was some awful burn you had!" to Ares but, knowing his son's behavior, he politely reminded Hephaestus of his turn, since the war god was somehow still in shock, and the question earlier seemed legitimate for a truth.

The blacksmith god made a small smile. He was obviously feeling great.

Happy New Year, fellow demigods!
This chapter's alibi will be: exams, and competitions I had earlier. Nailed it though, I got good results.

Now I don't know why I started making Hephaestus roast Ares. I originally planned Apollo or Hermes but nah.

And oh, Rest in peace, Rick Astley (the singer of the song Ares danced), who just passed away three days ago :( why did the previous year have many deaths? We lost people who were important to the contribution of our big history, and it's deeply saddening. EVEN FICTIONAL CHARACTERS WEREN'T SPARED. I almost had my favorite anime character killed in an instant. I loathed the previous year, and I'm glad it was over.

Enough drama and sadness; I hope 2017 will be a good year to look forward to! Love you all!

-The Gelatin
P.s. Just keep sending truths and dares in the comments or message me!

Olympian Gods, Truth Or Dare?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon