Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Ready, Cleo?"

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"Ready, Cleo?"

I nodded, pulling the hood of the hoodie San had let me borrow over my head. "Ready."

Kaz frowned at me, reaching forward to tuck my hair back into the hoodie and out of sight. "Your pink hair really stands out, Cleo. How are you supposed to pass off as San?"

"It's fine, we'll get out without any trouble," Adora promised him. "I have some outside help."

"And that is?"

Adora held up a laminated card. "I said my mom was calling me back home for a little bit and the school called my mom to give them permission to let me leave campus. And said San was coming with me since he's the one that makes the most sense to join me. Cleo has San's school I.D., too. We're not going into this blind, Kaz."

The tightness in Kaz's face eased, but not by much. "Keep me updated. If you're going to be returning later than midnight, let me know."

"We know, Kaz," Adora said, shaking her head. "We'll be fine. We'll have someone waiting to pick us up at the gate. I'd say don't worry, but I know you will."

"Just be careful. I wish I could come, but someone has to stay with Claude."

"Where is he, anyway?" I asked.

Kaz glanced at the dorm building in the distance. "He's holed himself up in his room and locked me out telling me he needed space. I'm not sure what his problem is today, but at least he's making it easier for me to keep an eye on him."

"You ever think maybe he doesn't want someone breathing down his neck twenty-four hours seven days a week?" Adora asked, tapping her chin.

Kaz gave her a sarcastic look. "That's not true. I have to sleep."

She patted his cheeks and he swatted her hands away. "Oh, sweet Kaz. We need to get you a hobby."

"You get a hobby," he muttered.

"I have plenty," she said and then clapped her hands together. "Alright, let's get out of here."

I nodded eagerly, looking out on the forest we would cut through again. The sun gleamed high in the sky, filtering through the trees, providing enough light to be able to see for a distance through them. We didn't necessarily have to cut through but were doing it as a precaution. We had one chance so it was better to be safe than sorry.

Kaz looked out at the forest, too, lips twisted in worry. "Remember, you're just looking for information, if you find anything, do not go anywhere alone—"

"Yes, yes, Kaz. We know. Okay. Goodbye," Adora cut in, turning Kaz around and pushing him toward the dorm building. "Try to relax, okay?"

Kaz grunted and I grinned as he ducked out from under Adora's grasp. "See you later, Kaz. We'll let you know how things are going."

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