Chapter Nine

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 As expected, the next morning my body hurt more than it had the night before

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 As expected, the next morning my body hurt more than it had the night before. I had slept in a weird position too, because Adora had spread herself out across the entire bed, leaving me one sliver of mattress to sleep on. She snored softly as I pushed myself out of bed, wincing at the soreness in my muscles. Kaz was missing from his spot at the door and San slept in an uncomfortable position on the floor by the balcony, looking as if he'd fallen off the chair again and just didn't pick himself up.

I gathered a change of clothing and limped into the bathroom, flipping on the lights. I'd avoided looking in the mirror yesterday, but now I was more mentally prepared. Blue bruises bloomed along my jaw and throat, but for the most part my face was untouched. I figured they were trying to do damage to places my clothing would conceal. Or my hair, I thought, gently touching the cut on my head. Ouch.

I undid all the bandages on my body and stepped into the shower. The warm water stung at first, but it quickly became welcoming. I did an inspection of my wounds and decided they weren't that bad. They would heal without causing any issues. As I thought, it could have been worse. I was glad I could skip class today, though. Now I wouldn't have to face anyone until Monday.

Would the other students be gone by then? I reached for the hawthorn berry soap and stared at it, frowning. I hated that I felt bad for them. They must have had their reasons. And if my family caused pain to them, then the want for revenge was justifiable. Was it really fair for them to be kicked out of Maiestas Regia? What did it mean to be expelled from such a prestigious academy during their final year? Especially because of me. I was here by force and only for half a year. They could never return now, not even after I left.

I carefully scrubbed my skin, sighing. No, I didn't have to feel guilty. They decided to attack me themselves. They risked the peace treaty. That was something inexcusable, no matter how much they hurt.

Death couldn't and shouldn't be avenged by more death.

Just as I exited the bathroom, Kaz came back into my room, an enormous platter of food in his hands. I immediately smelled pancakes and bacon, my stomach rumbling in response. I didn't remember the last time I ate. Adora and San were both up now, clearing a spot on my desk for the food. I peeked at the spread. "Wow."

"I tried for breakfast in bed, but you're already up," Kaz said, setting the food down on the desk. "How are you feeling?"

I flexed my arm. "Not too bad."

Kaz's features creased, and he brushed his fingers against the bandage around my neck, mouth twisting down. "This is so sloppy."

My mouth fell. "Listen, I tried!"

"It's still better than whatever Claude did," Adora chimed in, pushing Kaz out of the way so she could re-wrap the bandage for me. Her nose wrinkled as she stepped closer. "Is that hawthorn berry?"

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