Chapter Thirty-One

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"Ms. Levant, you've been disappointing me."

I stared hard at my lap, hands fisted on my thighs. "I'm sorry."

Evander sighed, running a hand over his face. "If you'd remained in your room as you were supposed to this wouldn't have happened. You're a student here. You have to act like one."

No, I thought. It would have happened no matter what. Whether it was yesterday, or the day before, or tomorrow, or the day after. It didn't matter. If my father had sent hunters to drag me home they would have found me eventually. Locked up in my room or not.

But because I'd left... because I'd wanted to see Felix... He'd...

I bit my lip, squeezing my eyes shut. I couldn't get the crack of the gunshot out of my head. The blood gushing from Felix's chest.

"I'm only scolding you because I'm worried," Evander continued. "What would have happened if you were injured?"

"They weren't after me," I lied.

"But you were there. I know you're aware of how important your safety is to the peace treaty. I know you're not treating it lightly. But please, Ms. Levant, follow the rules of the academy."

I looked up at him, almost flinching at the severe disappointment etched onto his face. "I will. I promise. I know I keep making mistakes. But I'll do better. The peace treaty is important to me."

"I am going to move you to a new room. Everything that is happening feels off. I don't feel the dorm is as safe or secure as it should be anymore."

"Where am I moving to?"

"Kazem will bring you there when we are done here," Evander said. "He agrees that it will be good for the two of you."

I nodded. Kaz would be staying with me? I didn't mind that. And being moved to a new room might actually work out better for the best. I doubted my father knew where I stayed, but if he planned on sending more hunters out to find me, it was best to be preemptive.

"Can Felix stay with us too?" I asked.

"Mr. Vesper will remain in his own accommodations. I don't believe it was a targeted attack on him."

I sat up a little straighter. "Maybe not, but he was severely injured and—"

"I know you are worried about him, but there won't be room for him to stay with you," Evander cut me off, but not unkindly.

I fell back, defeated. "Okay."

"I'll allow you to visit him in the infirmary through your suspension."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes. It's clear to me that you feel responsible for his injuries in some way. I understand the want to want to be there for him. Just make sure Kazem accompanies you," Evander told me. "But that is it. To class, to the infirmary, and that's all. No more sneaking around. Okay?"

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