Chapter One

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When your family is responsible for starting a war, someone from it has to pay the price

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When your family is responsible for starting a war, someone from it has to pay the price.

My family called sending me to the all-vampire academy Maiestas Regia "keeping the peace" but I called it for what it really was— a warm-blooded sacrifice. Because not only was I human, making me a vampire's natural prey, but I was also a human whose ancestors have hunted vampires for generations.

The last thing I wanted was to be shipped off to an academy where exactly zero percent of the students were human and exactly one hundred percent of them wanted me dead.

But I supposed that was what I got for accidentally shooting grandfather's hand off with a revolver during target practice. Two birds with one stone. They could appease the vampire royalty without having to bend their own knee to them and they could also rid themselves of their least favorite daughter.

Useless, my father said.

Incapable, my sister chimed.

A stain on our family name, my grandfather claimed, shaking his one and only fist at me.

So, it was only natural for them to offer me up when Regia came seeking a member of our family to come to study vampire history and help settle decades of turmoil—AKA a hostage in exchange for a truce. I saw right through it. If Regia had me in their reach, any attempt on the life of their royalty would be countered with my own. Having me would give them security.

The last blood war had ended over a decade ago, back when I was just beginning to learn how to plunge a dagger directly into the hearts of beat up, ghastly looking dummy vampires my family used for target practice. Never once had I ever had to use those skills. But while that remained true for me, I knew of hunters who slithered in the shadows, breaking laws and slaughtering any vampire they came across, hoping a war would break out to give them even more reason to do so.

I couldn't and wouldn't be like that. I truly did want peace. I didn't want to kill, nor did I want to see death. It was why I didn't fight my fate when a sleek, black Cadillac pulled up to take me to the academy. If this could put an end to needless bloodshed on either end, I would not hesitate. Even if this was all a ruse by the vampire royalty, it was worth a shot. I would be a good daughter and a respectful guest.

My fingers curled tighter around my suitcase as I dragged it along weathered cobblestone, wondering if the shadowy, gnarled trees were expanding as I walked, or if it was just my imagination. The pathway up to the academy did not suit my family's expensive cars, so I'd been dropped off, left alone to mourn my last bits of freedom as I made my way to the looming structure on the other side of the trees.

Structure was one way to describe it, but it was more like a castle. It stood shadowy and towering against the darkening sky, stretching off into the east and west horizons. I'd seen pictures of it in history books, but in person, it was considerably more imposing.

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