Chapter Forty-Two

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"I didn't," Sura said, taking a step close to Felix

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"I didn't," Sura said, taking a step close to Felix. "There's a misunderstanding. You have to listen to me."

Claude's hand shot out, stopping her. "Don't."

"Claude, you have to believe me too," she said, turning her attention to Claude.

"I don't really care if Claude believes it or not," Felix said. "I haven't even for one moment ever wished to be part of the royal family. What's done is done. And I don't care to hear excuses or apologies, either."

"Florien, please—"

Felix glared at her. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me by that name?"

Sura shrank back again and a muscle jumped in Claude's jaw.

"We have bigger things to worry about," Felix continued, relaxing his expression, but keeping his muscles tensed. "I think we're all in agreement about taking down Silas Levant. So, let's put our focus there."

"No," Claude said to him.

His gaze flicked to Claude, mouth forming a flat line. "No?"

"You want to work together?" Claude asked.

"You think you're capable of taking Silas Levant down yourself?"

"Yes," Claude answered simply.

Felix stared at him for a moment and then nodded, a wry smile forming on his mouth. "Fine. Have fun." He turned on his heel and headed for the door.

"Felix," I started, stepping toward him. "Wait—"

Claude grabbed Felix's arm before I could, pulling Felix to a halt. "You didn't let me finish. I am capable of stopping Silas Levant myself, but I'm not foolish enough to believe that is the best way to go about it. Your help would be invaluable."

Felix shook his arm free of Claude's grasp, face impassive. "That's the closest thing to a compliment I've ever heard you say."

Claude returned his arm to his side. "If we want to work together, we need to trust each other."

"Trust each other?" Felix said flatly. "In what world do you think that's possible? I am okay with working together, but the last time I trusted your family all of mine ended up dead. How can you trust me after that? What if I decide to go after your precious mother?"

"Whether by your own volition or not, you aided my mother in her escape. If you planned on harming her, you would have already," Claude replied, but his fingers twitched at his sides. "Although if you make a threat against her, I can't promise what will happen to you."

"Save your warnings. She's not even worth it."

Claude's shoulders stiffened and I moved forward, hoping to ease the tension between them. "Felix, can't you hear Sura out? Just for a little bit? Maybe there is a misunderstanding. Maybe if you hear her side you'll feel differently."

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