Chapter Forty-Five

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To me and my anxiety's relief, Felix and Claude returned without any trouble

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To me and my anxiety's relief, Felix and Claude returned without any trouble. San, Adora, Kaz, and I met them at the school's gates, eager to hear how it went.

But as soon as my gaze met Claude's, Kaz's request popped into my head and guilt instantly wormed its way into my heart. I didn't want to keep Kaz's plan from Claude, but I knew Kaz had a point. We needed Kaz with us. We were in more danger if we split up. That had been proven time and time again.

But still... it didn't feel right.

"How was putting up with Felix?" San asked Claude as we made our way toward the library.

Injured or not, scheming a way to take my father down or not... we still had to do our homework. Sometimes it was jarring. So much was going on, but we still had to write essays. Part of me wondered what our teachers would think of what we had planned. We couldn't tell anyone, of course, but I was curious as to what they would say after we had my father arrested. Maybe a free pass on homework?

I paused. Would I be allowed to stay here after we arrested my father? Or would I be sent back? I hadn't thought about that. Would the peace treaty be called off?

"About what you would expect," Claude responded, sounding tired as I put my hand to my chin, thinking. "Perhaps it would have been best if we never found out Felix's secret."

San hummed. "Now that we know his secret what's going to happen? You think he is going to try to silence us?"

Claude shrugged. "We can just ignore him."

"Why are you guys acting like I'm not right here?" Felix interjected from behind me. "And no, San, I'm not going to kill you. I already told Claude. This doesn't change anything. I don't want anything to do with the royal family. Rest assured."

San threw an amused look over his shoulder at Felix. "But you went to strengthen the border. You didn't have to do that. You sure you don't have ulterior motives?"

"I'm not selfish enough as to put the entire vampire race at stake for my own wishes."

"So, it worked?" I asked, slowing down so Felix could fall into step at my side. "What did you have to do?"

"It worked," Claude answered for Felix from my other side, his arm bumping into mine as he slowed to match my new pace. "Almost too well."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that he strengthened it to a point I've never been able to strengthen it to before. Ever," Claude clarified, his lips curving down.

I looked at Felix who wiggled his eyebrows. "Impressed?" he teased.

"Did you know you could do that?"

He shook his head. "Nope. It was news to me."

I considered this, watching my feet as we crunched through the dead leaves littered on the paved path. "So, whatever magic that is can go to two different members of the royal family, but the Sway is only passed down to one?"

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