Chapter Thirteen

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Access to the internet changed my life

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Access to the internet changed my life.

The week passed by and I did nothing but go to class and then Google anything and everything I was curious about when I got back to the dorm. What's it like to kiss someone? How do I kiss someone? What makes a good kisser? What to do if the guy you need to befriend doesn't like you? Easy hairstyles for long hair. How to say no to your family when you're scared to?

Kaz introduced me to YouTube, Netflix, Viki, Instagram. I'd never really watched TV before. My father would show my sister and me movies and videos about the Blood Wars and training tutorials, and sometimes my sister would put on shows like Beau the Vampire Hunter when my father was away. I didn't realize how popular TV shows were. With Adora's help, I created my first social media ever and earned three followers—her, San, and Kaz. I used a fake name though, too worried someone would find me and tell my father.

Adora spent most of the week with me, Kaz barely stopping by, and when he did, yawning constantly with bruise-like bags under his eyes. He refused to tell us anything about what he was doing, and as the days passed I grew more and more suspicious. All the teachers seemed to be on high alert. Claude was nowhere to be seen. No announcements were made, though. I had to trust that the students, along with myself, were probably safe from whatever was going on. Otherwise, they would have told us.

I'd been holding back researching anything about Felix. It almost didn't feel right, like an invasion of privacy. I wanted to learn, though, to see his family's side of the story. But I wasn't sure how much I trusted the information on the internet.

Oh. But I didn't have to use the internet for that.


Her black hair touched the floor as she pulled herself away from her history book, laying upside down on the loveseat. "Mm?"

Didn't the blood rushing to her head hurt? She appeared unaffected, blinking up at me. "I'm going to go to the library," I said. "Do you want to come?"

"A change of scenery would be nice. I'm tired of being stuck in this room."

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly.

"Oh, I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming Esin. Who knew you'd become so obsessed?"

"Everyone else is always on their phone," I pointed out. "It's not only me."

She laughed. "I'm just teasing you. I'm down for a latte, let's go!"

I texted Kaz that we were going to the library and we headed out. Since classes were over, we'd changed out of the uniforms. Adora had gone through her closet and given me some of her old clothing that surprisingly fit me— her frame was much slenderer than mine. I wore a burnt orange corded turtleneck that protected me from the cold draft. She wore a turtleneck too, in a deep green, but I liked the fact that we kind of matched.

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