BONUS: Kaz vs. Felix Vs. One Bed Trope

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"I can't believe I have to do this."

"Geez, make me feel welcome, won't you?" Felix said, his hands clasped behind his back, as he strolled the expanse of Kaz's room, inspecting every inch.

Kaz rubbed his temples. "Just keep quiet and stay still."

"Mm, kinky."

"If you keep this up then you can sleep in the hall on the floor."

"Alright, alright," Felix said, holding his hands up in surrender. "You know, I wouldn't tease you so much if you didn't react so endearingly."

Kaz didn't answer, just sighed deeply, knowing he was in for a long night with Felix. But between him and Claude, he was the best choice for dealing with Felix. Claude and Felix might actually kill each other if they shared a room. And Cleo and Felix...

No. Kaz wouldn't allow that. Felix would stay with him.

It's not forever, Kaz told himself. Maybe it won't even be that bad

"What are you doing?" Kaz asked as Felix reclined against the headboard of Kaz's bed, his legs on top of the comforter, bare feet crossing at the ankles.

Felix stretched out his arms, yawning. "What?"

"That's my bed."


"You're not sleeping there."

Felix frowned at Kaz. "Where am I supposed to sleep? There's only one bed in here."

Kaz pointed to the floor where a pile of blankets and a pillow were already set up. "There."

"Don't be so cold, Kaz. There's plenty of space for both of us." To prove his point, Felix stretched out completely, splaying himself out across the bed. "My hands can't even reach the ends. And you're pretty slim. We'll fit together just fine."

Kaz came to the edge of the bed and grabbed Felix's ankle, pulling on it roughly. "Absolutely not. Get off my bed."

Felix shook his foot to get Kaz to release it. "You're really going to make me sleep on the floor?"

"Yes," Kaz said without a second of hesitation.

Felix stared at Kaz for a moment, and then pouted, pushing himself up into a sitting position. "You're no fun. You know that?"

"I don't need to be fun."

Felix climbed off the bed and Kaz watched as he frowned down at the pile of blankets on the floor. Kaz would almost feel bad... almost if Felix wasn't so insufferable.

A second later, Felix knelt down and began to make a bed out of the comforters. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"I suppose not."

Kaz glanced down at Felix who picked up the single pillow Kaz left him and fluffed it. That was it? No sassy comeback? Was he that hurt by the idea of Kaz making him sleep on the floor?

Well, he wouldn't feel bad about it. Felix deserved it.

Acting like the universe was against him, Felix kept sighing as he finished his makeshift bed, making every movement long and drawn out. Then he laid down, groaning. "I'm too old for this."

"You're literally my age."

"Are you offering to sleep on the floor instead?"


"It's cold down here," Felix said, wrapping his arms around himself. "I could use some extra body heat. Maybe—"

Kaz tossed the throw blanket on his bed into Felix's face. "Here."

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