[9] how they let you know they're in the mood

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He'll sigh loudly until he gains your attention, to which he will then drape an arm in between his open legs and wink at you. If it doesn't work, he'll groan and proceed to voice, "Babydoll, I am in desperate need of some TLC right now."

"When we get somewhere safe for the night, would you want to fuck?" He sees no point in sugarcoating it, especially if no one else is around when he's voicing it, so he just tells you flat out.

He'll become more touchy, rubbing your arms/kissing your cheek. Since you realize this as his love language, no other indications need to be made on his part.

She'll become immensely frustrated with whatever task is at hand and ultimately give up if it's something she is able to drop and pick up later on. Knowing that she usually doesn't just give up on things, you follow her until she finds somewhere private enough and voices her frustrations, "Perhaps we both need some time together right now."

He becomes unusually quiet and eyes you intensely, checking you out and only making his struggles worse. When you finally meet his eyes, he grins dorkishly and nods towards an exit of whatever room the two of you are in.

"Hey sunshine, how about we head back to my office, if ya catch my gist?" Nothing more needs to be said or implied, as he has imprinted this 'code' on you.

She will become touchy, grabbing your butt or touching your thighs, whatever she can do to get you in the mood as well.

"Oh Blue, you really know how to make a girl crazy." Avid-lip biter and a starry-eyed look, she is completely lost in the moment and will only hope that you can catch on by her look.

He pays less and less attention to whatever he was working on, and more and more attention to you until finally the file on his desk is completely closed and his loving gaze is fully concentrated on you, waiting for you to return the look and catch on.

He becomes somewhat clingy, keeping a hand on the small of your back, kissing your cheek, resting his chin on your shoulder, until you finally ask him what's up. "I am just enamored by your beauty, Y/N." Your lover is completely dazed and definitely wouldn't snap back into reality until you took him to the bedroom.

He will approach you from behind and place a hand on one of your hips, somewhat guiding you into him. As soon as your butt touches him, he leans down and whispers in your ear, "Can you fit me into your schedule?" planting a kiss on your cheek smoothly before you answer.

Only privately, he will wrap his arms around your waist from behind and begin kissing your neck. His hands will trail up and down your body until his message is received loud and clear.

She becomes flustered and clumsy in her work. With a final huff, she will actually quit whatever she is working on and approach you shyly, "Madam/monsieur, if this is an appropriate time, perhaps we could explore some possibilities in the bedroom?"

"Has anyone ever told you how amazing your ass looks in those jeans? Mm, don't even get me started on those piercing eyes." He will go straight for flattering you in anyway possible, speaking sensually to add to the drastic effect of what he is feeling.

She approaches you from behind and runs her hands down your arms slowly until she finally takes your hands in hers. She will then lean in and kiss your neck and jawline until you can no longer resist her temptations.

He purposely peels off his shirt, claiming to be "too hot" from working all day, which leaves him showing his toned, sweaty skin with random oil markings. "How 'bout a hug, babydoll?" He chuckles, holding his arms open for you to accept his offer, to which he will then place a series of kisses from your cheek down your neck once you are in his arms.

"I think you would look lovely underneath me right now." No shame. He wants you to choke on your own breath at his words.

Not really a man of words, he chooses a more delicate approach- "Now would be a good time to bang one out, huh?"

He actually rubs himself through his pants because he has no shame. If you give him a disapproving look it will only prompt him to voice his frustrations, "It's been too long since you gave it to me good, boss. I'm practically on my knees beggin'." He chuckles slyly and definitely would go as far as getting on his knees, if needed.

"How about the two of us go somewhere private and have a good time, boss?" She is all for sneaking up and whispering this in your ear while her hands rest promptly on your hips.

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