[1] various flirting lines they say to you

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"Damn! I love it when you show off..."

"Go and walk ahead of me, doll. I'll just be back here enjoying the view. (Heh)"

"The wastes did you good. You've got that 'stab you in the eye with a screwdriver look' and I'm totally diggin' it, babe."

"That top is very... fitting."

"Anyone that was stupid enough to challenge you is dead as far as I'm concerned, now let's go get a drink."

"It's a shame you wear that bulky power armor so often..."

"I'm working overtime so I can make a few extra caps to get you something special."

"I don't know how someone like me could have ended up with someone as lovely as you."

"After work, I was thinking maybe you and I could take a walk around town... only if you wanted to, that is."

"I took some time off today to hang out with you if you know, you wanted to go on a date or something..."

"Can we go somewhere private? I've been wanting to kiss you for so long if you know... you wanted to."

"If you ever need help getting out of your power armor, oh, not in that way! Well, not unless you wanted it to be, um... yeah, so just let me know."

"I heard super mutants were kidnapping their victims. *chuckles* So, someone as cute as you should stay far away."

"You know... if you wanted a sniping lesson or something, I could help you out with that."

"You could steal my sweetroll and I wouldn't even be mad. *laughs* Sorry, heard that one from a couple a while back."

"Seeing double of you has got to be the greatest thing ever discovered by, well, me."

"Do you ever get tired of being the most beautiful woman/man of the wastes? Must be exhausting..."

"If you get cold just let me know, sunshine. I don't have a problem warming you right up."

"Yer really special to me, ya know that?"

"If ya weren't so busy gettin' chased by super mutants all th' time, I'd be kissin' ya more often."

"I'm startin' to see that a lot of 'em Diamond City guards look at ya th' way I do. I outta kick 'em where it hurts for that."

"Wow Blue, I think your best lighting may be the moonlight. You look amazing."

"If you want to take the night off and relax, I know a place where we can get some privacy..."

"I really can't decide what my favorite version of you is. The badass, war-machine... the cute, lovable... The nifty, brainiac... All of you is just amazing."

"No one can word as hard as you do and still look that damn great."

"So, you're into robots? Hm..."

"Maybe we should look into repairing these old parts so I can take care of you good, doll."

"No one can wear blue quite like you, General."

"I consider myself to be one of the luckiest men alive, all thanks to you."

"Maybe we should both take some time off from work... to do some things... together."

"Solider. (Blushes) Um, a mission, just the two of us..."

"I am somehow always at a loss of words around you... may just be the affect you have on me, but I won't be one to complain."

"Would this be an inappropriate time to kiss you?"

"Did you do something new with your hair? It's nice."

"I haven't slept that good since... ever. I feel safe with you."

"If you wanted to call in sick today, just stay here with me, you know... I wouldn't mind."

"Maybe you should stay around a little longer, madame/monsieur! So I can... make sure you are well, of course!"

"There are still so many fascinating things I want to learn about you, madame/monsieur! You truly are someone special."

"How is it possible for someone to be so filled with danger but cute as a button? Very confusing, no?"

"Stop giving me that look or I'll make out with you right now. — Okay, don't say I didn't warn you. Come here!"

"Has anyone ever told you how nice of an as– smile you have?"

"It seems like we're always on the move. I'm up for a lazy day and some cuddles if you are."

"How about you take me as your partner this time? Hm, sorry, Deacon."

"This mission is a little more dangerous than others. While I don't doubt your abilities, I recommend you take extra precautions... I just really look forward to your return."

"Another success? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. You are the best."

"Hey, I- uh, found this dress the other day and I was thinking about how purty you'd look in it."

"I was thinkin' of making something special just for you, because, well, I think you're special. (Heh)"

"Anythin' you can think of, let me know, and I'll try my best to make it or recreate it just for you, doll."

"You look very flattering today, ma'am/sir."

"While I recommend you should stay in your armor, you do look very nice in your regular clothes."

"You have nice eyes, ma'am/sir."

"Has anyone ever told ya, you kinda resemble Nuka-Girl? Or maybe I'm jus' imaginin' you in that suit and getting a little excited. (Heh)"

"Pre-war couples used to kiss at the top'a the ferris wheel from what I heard. Kind of stupid if you ask me... but if you were willing, then I can't say I'd be one to argue with ya, boss."

"Watchin' you fight, all badass-lookin' an' all, has got me feeling some type'a way. I'm not hatin' that either."

"Let me know if there's anyway I can please you, boss. Anyway at all... (Heh)"

"I know a few ways I can make you howl."

"There's this fantasy I have between you and I... let me know if you'd ever be willing to act on it with me."

"People can be stupid enough to ignore your greatness and I pity them for that."

"If you don't invite up to the Grille soon, I might just have to call a secret meeting between you and I down here at the Parlor, if you get what I mean."

"Have you considered making love at the top of the ferris wheel? I can't deny the thought has been playing on my mind a lot recently..."

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