[7] they react to you getting hit on

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The two of you enter the bar after a long day, looking to order drinks and wind down for the night. Your lover sits on their barstool and begins to order two drinks while you climb onto your stool. However, before you sit down, you feel a hand graze your lower back and a man step in between you and your lover. "Excuse me, sugar, could I buy you a drink... or several? If you're looking to take it to-go, I've got a room we can settle in." He grins and winks at you, and as you open your mouth to protest, your lover grabs his shoulder and turns him around.

"This doll's taken, buddy. And if you ain't lookin' for trouble then I suggest you hit the road." His tone was flat throughout his entire threat, clearly in no mood to play around. The man instantly realized his mistake and leaves the situation.

[punches the man and knocks him out cold] "Whiskey and sour, boss?"

"Excuse me, this is actually MY date, so you can leave now." Though his words were civil and kind, Gob was steaming on the inside. That man clearly saw the two of you come in together hand-in-hand, what gave him the nerve to flirt with you right in front of his face?

"This gun isn't for show, big guy." Her cold words scare the guy right out of the bar. Who knew she could be so scary?

"I'll give you a ten second head-start, buddy, but you better run fast because I'm a pretty dang good shot." He chuckles to himself as the guy takes off out of the bar and then he turns to you gleaming, "What'd you think about that, sweetheart?"

"You must want to meet the last guy that tried that shit." His menacing voice and twisted stare is enough of a threat to send the guy running. Hancock meant it too, already had his knife out of the holster and everything.

"I eat guys like ye' for breakfast and spit 'cha out. Touch 'em again an' I'll rip ye' ugly face off." She stares him down menacingly and he takes off running.

"Get lost, they're with me." Her words are simple enough to provoke the man once again. "You can join us too, babe." He smirks, thinking he's won. Piper stands from her stool and pushes her long coat behind her belt, showing off how strapped up she is. Though she might not actually make an attempt to shoot the guy, her silent but acting response is enough to scare him off.

"Commencing self-destruction sequence in 5... 4... 3..." Perks of being a robot, no one knows when you're kidding or not when you pull this. That guy sure did shit his pants when you started playing along, though.

"You should be more respectful when speaking to the General." He reminds the man of your title rather than your relationship to him, to let him know who he was intentionally messing with. The man mutters an apology and leaves feeling embarrassed.

"Her boyfriend declines your offer, and rebuts this: leave the premises or I will have no choice but to drag you outside myself and beat some sense into you." His oddly calm nature doesn't match his threat one bit, but it works and the guy leaves.

He doesn't utter a word but instead he stands up and towers over the man, looking down at him with a deep glare. "Leave." He only has to say this before the two of you can go back to enjoying your evening together.

"Oi, I do not believe that was very nice of you, monsieur. Perhaps ask someone whom is not in a committed relationship." Just to seal the deal and further exploit her own jealousy, she takes your hand in her own and shoos the man off.

"I wouldn't mess with them if I were you, buddy. They have some kind of ick that makes you explode from both ends... yeah, it's really gross, trust me." He doesn't feel the need to scare the guy off, he just pleases himself by messing with the guy and picking at you. Two for one combo.

"She's not interested. Move it along." She doesn't give him anymore time of her day, grabbing your hand and forcing you in the barstool behind her. The man stood behind the two of you and tried to speak again, but she just ordered your drinks and ignored him until he walked away.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think ya were tryin' to steal my girl. Heh, there's not really much competition there, though, now is there?" The guy looks over Sturges for a moment and takes in his appearance. Well-built, nice hair, and stained hands and a face, this was a working man. Humiliated, the guy leaves the two of you alone.

[shoots the guy] "It appears my rifle has misfired."

"What did you just say to her?" He doesn't spare any time, getting up from his stool and taking the guy by the collar of his shirt and threatening to "beat 'em to a pulp" if he didn't beg for your forgiveness and run off shitting himself.

"Back... off..." He says this through gritted teeth, already fuming and ready for the kill as soon as you give him the permission to do so.

"Do you want to take care of him or should I, boss?" She is clearly annoyed by this man's antics, but understands when you want to fight your own battles. At your beckon, she would take care of guy without another thought.

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