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After 2 days


I slowly open my eyes and I was welcomed in a white huge room. I scan the place and I saw no one. When the door opens, I looked at the person slowly walking inside, and when our eyes met she run towards me.

"Unnie! You're awake! Wait!" Ryujin said and run back going outside the room. A man dress in a doctor suit came with my friends behind her and checked me.

After some minutes

"It's good to see that you're fine now my lady, you just have to rest for a few days" she said while putting the stethoscope back on his neck.

"I will leave you guys alone" he said before exiting the room.

"Chu, thank God you're okay!" Momo said and all of them is standing near my bed.

Except for Lisa.

"Where's Lisa? And why are you all wearing black? This is not the hospital, where am I guys?" I asked them and they looked at each other.

What is happening?

"We're inside the palace and it's the King's vigil chu" my eyes widened on what Seulgi said.

"What? Vigil?" I asked to confirm and Rujin nods her head.

What the hell happened? And the only person in my mind right now is Lisa.

"Where is Lali?" I asked them and tried to stand up but my stomach hurts.

"Don't move chu, Lisa is in her room. She...she can't go out" I covered my mouth with my palm. Lisa needs me now.

I held Seulgi's hand and she look at me.

"Please Seulg, bring me to Lisa please" I told her.

"She doesn't want to talk to anybody Jisoo" no. They can't just let her like that.

"She will talk to me. Just please help me go to her room" Seulgi sighed and asked Momo to grab the wheelchair.

When she came back, I quickly hopped in the wheels and they pushed me going to Lisa's room.

We passed by the hall with people crying and dress in all black. That must be where the King is lying.

"We're here" Seulgi said and I slowly stand up. Good thing I can walk, although not that fast and straight like my normal ones.

I knocked. And I heard a glass shuttered.

I knocked again and I got the same response.

"Lali, it's me" and when I said that, the door opened. Lisa was standing there looking in a worst state. She looked at me in the eyes and seconds after she was hugging my legs, crying.

"Let it out Lali, let it out" I rubbed her head and let her tears wet my gown, my heart is breaking seeing Lisa in this state.

After some minutes

Lisa got calm after crying so hard and they left us here in her room. I scanned the area and all I could see are vases shuttered in pieces as well as broken chairs and frames.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Lali" I told her and Lisa is just staring at her father's photo. I still can't believe that this is happening.

Seulgi told me that it's been 2 days since that incident and none of us hasn't come back at Klaveo. The people that were left there must have no idea on what happened to us.

"Lali" I called her and she turned to me.

"I need to go back to Klaveo, they must be so worried" I told her but I got no response. I'm not used to see Lisa like this.

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