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Flashback (when Jennie was inside the CR)


C: Mom? Why did you call?
C: Are you with that poor girl Jennie?
J: No mom, I told you already!
C: Make sure you're not lying Jennie!
J: Yeah. So why did you call?
C: You should come home this weekend, I'm going to Cuardiro for a birthday party.
J: But Mom, I have a training....
C: Drop it Jennie! You'll come home this weekend and that is final!
J: Fine

End of flashback


"How did you court Rose Anne?" Jisoo spits her drink when Lisa suddenly blurted out those words.

"You're over reacting, what's with my question and you need to blow your drink?" Lisa rolled her eyes and wipes her jeans on some little portions that got wet by Jisoo.

"Why are you asking me that now? Oh, you're going to court my cousin huh?" she elbowed the girl.

"Have you forgotten my situation? Of course chu, I will court her" they are here their apartment after the practice.

"Don't tell me you're just going to court her because you need a wife, Lali I'm telling you" she warned her. But Lisa just slaps her arm.

"Yes? But not because I need her, also because I love her" she explained.

"Okay so what's your plan? You know the days are counting" Jisoo said.

"That's why I'm asking you chu, I've never been in a relationship before" the older girl just laugh at her.

"But I don't know how to court a person Lali" Lisa raised her eyebrow and looked at Jisoo.

"What? Come on! Stop it, did Rosie court you?" Jisoo shake her head.

"What? Are you kidding me chu?" she give Jisoo a serious glare, the older one straightens herself and sighed.


"Then what happened? How did you two get together?" Lisa place her palm on her forehead.

"We...we acc..accidentally kiss" Lisa's eyes widened.

"So? Of course you could kiss, she's your girlfriend that time. Come on chu, you have to tell me what to do we're running out of time" she said with frustration, but Jisoo seems serious about her words.

"Could you just listen first?" she slightly yelled at her. Lisa just rolled her eyes.


It was during their 2nd year when it happened. After the department's celebration of Jisoo crowned as the Ms. CEA, the three of them agreed on having an after-celebration at Lisa and Jisoo's apartment. 

They were on their 3rd bottle when Lisa passed out, leaving the two at the living room. They were just laughing and talking when Jisoo decided to grab some more. As she was trying to stand, her knees were trembling already. Good thing Rosie was able to hold her hand before she falls down on the floor. But the two were both drunk, Rosie losses her balance and they both fall on the floor with Jisoo under her.

Then suddenly, Jisoo kissed her. And Rosie kissed her back. The two were sharing an intimate moment while the Princess is sleeping in her room.

After 30 minutes (still a flashback)

"I like you Rosie" Rosie tilt her head and faced Jisoo when she heard her. She cupped the older girl's face who's shy enough to face her.

"I like you too" Rosie used her thumb and hold Jisoo's chin to make the older one face her.

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