8-A Quick Morning

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"Huh..?" You lift your head up slightly and rub the sleep out of your eyes. You see something black in the corner of your eye and jump. You look upwards and are greeted by a sleepy Tomura.

"Good mornin'." He said in a groggy voice.

Your eyes widen as you half remember what took place the last night.
How did this happen? Should I just go with it? Should I put up a front? I mean- this does feel nice but I shouldn't be accepting the situation so easily..

After debating what to do for a couple minutes you decide to go with the flow and stay calm. You lay back down on his chest. You lay there listening to his heartbeat and his breathing while he swaddles you in the blanket. It hugs your body tightly, as if you were a tiny child again and you were being tucked in by your parent. It was an extremely comforting feeling, a feeling that made you sleepy and quiet.

You continue to listen to his heartbeat.
Bump, Ba-bump, bump, Ba-bump. Over and over again. His deep breaths in your ear make your face heat up and cheeks turn rosey red.

Suddenly you feel his rather large hands grab around your waist and pull you up closer to him. He pulls you as if you were his teddy bear - a cute cuddly little plush for him- he wraps his arms around you and holds your body tight against his chest.

"You like this don't you?" Tomura says teasingly.

Unsure what to say you quickly blurt out "Uh, no! No! I don't!"

"Oh really?" He looks down at you, his eyes starring down at yours.
"So if I stopped holding you so close like this, and stopped whispering in your ear, you wouldn't want to go back to that?"

"Uh..." your face is flushed with pink and you cover your eyes out of embarrassment. You sink down into the large blanket, hoping it would hide you from his gaze.

"That's what I thought, now come out of hiding little bunny. I know you like cuddles." He lifts the blanket from your head and pulls you back up.

"This isn't so bad is it?" He smirks. "I guess not.." your voice is muffled by his chest.

He plays with your hair and whispers, " You're so cute.. I could just hold you forever."

You close your eyes and eventually fall asleep to his mumbles and whispers of compliments and soft, sweet, words.

"Sleep tight little bunny,"
He kisses the top of your head.

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