10- Interrogation

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You look up as Shigaraki enters the room.  He sits next to you on the bed. You look up at him and ask "Who exactly were those people down there?" 

"Well, they  are my colleagues. They are apart of my league. And no when I say league it isn't referring to a game or anything. We are a family essentially. A family made up of social rejects and outcasts. We all have our reasons for being apart of the league and we all have a role." You nod your head as he continues. "Well how did they get here and why are they here?" You interrupt him. Any other time he would probably chastise you for doing that but this time he seemed not to care. 

"I guess you deserve to know. Well uh- we all come from different backgrounds. Himiko; the girl who jumped on you was a high-school student who came to join our cause along with Dabi. She had a 'villain quirk' and was made fun of for it in school. Not only that but I hear that she had a pretty rough childhood." He stops to regain his thoughts then continues. "Dabi; the man with burnt skin brought her in with him. He was attracted to us by the Stain cause. We don't know much about him before he joined but we do know that he had younger siblings and a shit father." You sort of regret asking but at the same time you find it interesting to learn about all these people and their motives. " Jin; the masked man who got up in your face,"- Tomura lightly chuckles before continuing,-" well he's an interesting man, I'll tell you that. He struggles with a personality disorder that causes him to switch personalities mid-sentence. Sometimes it gets really bad. He'll break down if he doesn't have that silly mask on." Tomura huffed. "He's a good man. Him and Himiko seem to really get along." "Poor guy," You remark. "Oh and Kurogiri, he's a big help around here. He helps me with my plans, he makes sure that I don't get hurt-" You cut him off, "So he's like a parent to you then?" "Yea- I mean no! He's not a parent or anything like that. Just a highly trusted subordinate." Tomura declares. 

"Well what about you Shigaraki? Why did you create the league in the first place?" You ask, out of genuine curiosity.  "To get rid of those scummy heroes. I needed a team. A team of people like me who have similar goals to me so we can unify and destroy this hero society." He rants.

"Well what made you think the heroes are so bad in the first place?" You question. "Oh I'll tell you why!! I was just a little boy who was homeless, out on the streets looking for help. I thought that the 'heroes' would come rescue me, like I saw them do on TV. It was a big city after all. But no, I was left to fucking rot. I needed help. I needed a family. I needed food, shelter, new clothes and everyone turned away and ignored me because if they didn't they would have to face the fact that their 'perfect little hero society' didn't work. So to this day I'm a reminder of the failures of their 'justice system'." He finishes a bit heated. He takes a few deep breathes to try and calm himself down. You rub his back and he looks over at you. At first he seemed confused but after a while he melted like a snowflake.

Once he was calm you decide to ask another question. "How did you end up with no family?"

He whispers underneath his breath. You look at him confused and he whispers a bit louder. Finally he says, "I killed them." "You what!? How? Weren't you a little boy?" you say, totally forgetting about his quirk that he has threatened you with before.

"You're right. I was a little boy. I had just figured out was my quirk was." He gets quieter. "It was an accident. My Father had... hurt me and I ran off into the backyard because I was sad and I wanted to get away." He sniffles. "Mon..Sweet little Mon-chan. She didn't deserve that. I didn't mean to.. God, I wish I could take it back. Sometimes I can still hear her little whimpers.. They haunt me." You notice tears roll down his cheek. You sit there for a moment, confused as what to do. Suddenly you wrap your arms around Tomura in a sweet embrace. Tomura, a little shocked, accepted your hug and holds you in his arms tightly. "I miss her, and I miss Hana and most of all. I miss Mom." 

"Mom was a lovely woman. I wish I could have her back.. That one last moment we had together I will never forget."  "I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't have asked." You say quietly.  "No, no. You're okay... Ya'know, it feels kinda good getting this off my chest. I've never really talked about this with anyone besides Kurogiri. Thank you for listening I guess." He sniffles. You continue to hold him in your arms.

"I bet this is all pretty overwhelming for you isn't it?" He asks. "Kinda.. I mean- it's a lot to take in." You admit. 

"Well thanks again for listening to me and all that.." He pulls away from the embrace to look at you for a moment.

"I know this may not be the time to ask but can I take a shower or a bath?" You nervously asks. "Lets go get it started." He groans as he stands up from his bed. He opens the door and you follow him to a small bathroom. He hands you a towel and turns on the water. You place the towel on the back of the toilet and he leaves. You slowly undress, you do this intentionally so the water has enough time to warm up. 

You gently place down your clothes and open the shower curtain.  

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