Sal x Blind! Reader

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A request for just_lem0n! Also, hey, I'm sorry for such a long wait, have been REALLY busy lately! Anyways, on with the fic! 
TW! Car crash (Graphic)
Also more for female reader (Pregnancy)

no one's p.o.v.
 It... all happened so fast. One moment, you and your friends were happily singing along to the radio, and having a good time. The next, you were on the ground, bleeding and injured pretty badly. 

 You had flown through the windshield, not having your seatbelt on prior to the crash. That was a big mistake that almost ended in you dead. Now you knew what all the warnings everyone gave you were about. 

 You and your four friends were rushed to the hospital, and seen almost instantly. You couldn't even remember the ride to the hospital. All you did remember was the sirens right after the crash, and the sound of hurried footsteps rushing you and your best friends to the emergency room.

 Everyone had been injured, but some worse then others. Todd, who had been driving ended up with a broken wrists and bruises all over. Larry got a concussion, his head having hit the windshield. The three people in the back of the car from left to right were Ashley, you, then Sal, your boyfriend. Ash was mostly shaken up, but did have a few cuts and bruises, as well as a bloody nose. Sal had his arm thrown from his socket because he tried to hold onto you, which did not end well in the slightest. You by far were the most injured. Your bloodied body was laying in shards of glass from the windshield, and your eyes... your eyes were the worst part. One was no longer inside it's socket, lying on the ground, the other slashed open from a large piece of glass in it. You had to be taken back into surgery as soon as you got to the emergency room. Once done, your fixed up friends were allowed to see you. You had a bandage around your face from where they stitched part of your face up, the other side holding a glass eye. You didn't know at the time, but your cheeks had been tear stained. 

 You had been on pain meds for a while, never really staying up very long when you woke up. But the first thing you noticed once you did was... You couldn't see. At all.. Pitch black. This scared you the first time you woke, and you screamed, though a hand gently pressed you your face to calm you. "Hey.. I'm here... You're hurt really bad, but I promise I'm here.." you were told. You teared up again and hugged him the tightest you ever had that day.

 You are now a few years older,  and had grown used to this life style of not being able to see. At first it was hard. You struggled with the cane, and you had no idea what your seeing eye dogs signals were, but now you knew it like the back of your hand. You and Sal were still dating, living together, even, with your friends. Something had happened that day that set you off. You found out you were having a baby. You were clinging to a small blanket you've had since you were little, thinking about all the things that could happen. Sal was at work at the time, so he didn't have a clue what was going on.

 The bluenette walked in, and saw tears on is lover's face, making him walk over. He kissed her head and rubbed her tears away. You told him the news, and he was astatic, thought frowned as he saw how upset you still were. "What's wrong, love?" he asked you softly, and you leaned into his touch "What if-..." you start and breath out "What if they're scared of me...?" you asked softly. 

 Sal is taken aback by this, and pulled you into a close hug "Why would they be..?" he asked you

 "Well- I have a huge scar on my face that you can see even through my glasses, and a walking stick as well as a seeing eye dog.." she told him "People are going to be confused.." you told him

 Sal looked at you seriously, even if you couldn't see him. "Y/N... You may not be able to see, but you're perfect to me. You're beautiful, kind, caring.... The whole nine yards.. Hell, we're having a baby! Be happy!" He said with a grin on his face

 You froze, though leaned into his touch, smiling "Thank you..." You said softly, and pulled him into a hug "Now let's go tell tell the others, alright?"

Not counting this, 782 words! 

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