Sal x Phelps!Reader: I don't wanna be a hero (bmc au)

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Note: This is a Be More Chill AU, i do not own BMC. the characters are as listed, also, thank you @Miss_Dead_Inside for the two OCs. also, i love this singer, they are beautiful, and i support their music fully, they are amazing, if she ever read this, i'd be so happy, her youtube is liana flores, but anyway, the characters!

Jeremy - Sal

Michael - Larry

Rich - Travis

Christine - Ashley

Jake - Todd

Jenna - Maple

Brooke - Rylee

Chloe - Jane

Squip - Red eyed demon

(the two OCs :Jane and Rylee.

Rylee: Is a nice to everyone even if they didn't deserve it. She has light brown hair and green eyes. She's around Sal's height.

Jane: She's rude and complains a lot. She has dark down hair and brown eyes. She's taller than Sal. )

(Onto the story!)

(Sal's P.O.V.)

I navigate the dangerous hall, my eyes glued to my converse. I sigh, opening my locker, pulling out a book, catching a glance of the 'BOYF' written on my backpack.. Fuckin Travis.. Closing my locker, I catch a glance of the said asshole. It seems as though he was helping someone with their classes. I shrug it off, and keep on my way to class.

(Travis' P.O.V.)

"Okay Sis, do you have everything?" I question, looking into her locker, and shuffling through her binder.

"Is your dress too tight? Is it too short? You know what dad'll say if it's too short. Are you cold, You're looking a bit pale, are you sick?! You're sick, lets go ho-" He attempted to grab my arm, but I pull back. "Trav.. i'm fine, I'm not sick" I smile "what i'm worried about is your black eye.. dad got you again? " He sheepishly nods and I sigh, handing him a tube of foundation. He gasps. "Y/N.. you have makeup?.. Dad's gonna be mad.." I smile slightly. "It'll be fine, I promise! Just don't tell, now go cover your eye!" He nods, running off. I was glad his Squip was gone.. hella glad they were all gone. I smile, then realize "Shit.." I don't know where any of my classes are! If you didn't know, hi, i'm Y/N Goranski Phelps, and my dad finally let me go to public school with my brother! But anyway. I frantically start looking around for someone to help me. I then spot a boy with long-ish blue hair, huh, intresting. I quickly walk to him, trying not to get run over by the stampede of students not wanting to be late. Once I catch up to him, i tap his shoulder, he spins around, looking above me, he looks confused before I wave my hand in front of his face. He looks down. "Oh.. can I help you?" he asks.

(Sal's P.O.V.)

The girl frantically nods.. wait, she looks familier. OH, HOLY SHIT, IT'S TRAVIS' SISTER.. AND SHE'S HOT.. I blush madly and look at her "What is i-it?" I stutter. She sweetly smiles and shows me her schedual. "I-I need help with my classes, I'm new here and-" I cut her off "Hey we have all of our classes together!" He smiles, and then blushes "S-sorry! i-i didn't mean to-" She giggles and looks at me. I smile and hold out my hand "C'mon, let's get to class" She takes my hand and smiles, following me. I catch a glimps of Larry in a different class with a smirk. I role my eyes at the cocky, hoodie wearing, Bob Marley singing boy and continue on my way.

(Hey! i know it's not amazing, but I tried! i will be making a part two, so stay tuned you little squips! P.S. I kinda wanna make a Heathers one of these.)

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