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Accalia's POV

After the night my parents met, they had realized a couple of days after that I was conceived. I was born two weeks later and was named Accalia Lowella Volturi Uley. I was born with slightly tanned skin, dark brown hair, and blue eyes, which I've been told match my father's eyes when he was human.

Aro wasn't too happy about my birth in the beginning because he believed that Caius would leave to raise me with my mother. But with reassurance from Caius and the arrival of my vampire gift, telekinesis, he agreed that I would be a great addition to the coven.

My mother sadly passed when I was 5, although I looked 15, during a shopping trip at the hands of a nomad that had issues with my father, Caius Volturi. He was found 2 days later and beheaded. I was a wreck for quite some time resulting in my shifting. I had shifted into a large black wolf with bright red eyes. 

My vampire side had fully matured 7 years after my birth and I now looked twenty. Being a wolf while living with a vampire had been tough on everyone. My father tried to help me as best he could but he had no idea what I was going through so with lots of persuasion on my side, he finally agreed to let me meet my mother's family in La Push, Washington.

Due to my wolf side, my vampire scent is overshadowed so I'm sure the other wolves in La Push won't know about me being part vampire. All they know is that I am Ellen Uley's daughter and that I have recently shifted.

I had packed most of my clothes, taking one last look at my large bedroom. It would be a while before I came back. As I closed the door, I sighed, anxious for what's to come. I closed the door and never turned back.

Before I left said goodbye to my uncles Aro and Marcus, and my best friends Felix, Demetri, Alec, and Jane. It was a heartfelt goodbye but they knew I needed to be around the other side of my family in order to get my wolf under control.

A black limousine was waiting in the covered garage that is under the castle. As I approached the vehicle, my father and another member of the guard were awaiting my arrival.

My father motioned for the guard member to load my bags into the limousine as he walked over to me and brought me into his arms. 

"You will call me if anything happens, won't you?" he asked as he held me in a tight embrace.

"You know I will," I smiled, my eyes pricking with unshedable tears. "I'll miss you," I whispered sadly.

He pulled back and grabbed my face, "I'll miss you too, little wolf." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, "I love you, always and forever."

"Always and forever," I repeated back. I stepped out of his embrace when I heard the limousine trunk close. I looked over to the sound and realized that my bags loaded into the trunk.

I looked back to my father, "I guess this is it."

"I suppose it is," he smiled sadly before brightening up, "have fun and be careful. If anyone tries to hurt you, call me and I will come tear them to pieces."

I laughed, "You can't just kill everyone who hurts me."

"Why not?" he asked innocently before his face was covered by a shit eating grin. "Yes, I know. But I sure as hell can try," he looked down at his watch, "It's time for you to leave."

I checked the time and indeed it was, I smiled once more, "goodbye father."

"Goodbye, little wolf," he stood back as I entered the car. He watched as the limousine drove out of the garage and to the airport. More specifically, to the Volturi's private plane that would take me to my destination, Seattle, Washington.

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