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Accalia's POV

The threat of the newborn army led to two new additions to the pack. Collin Littlesea and Brady Fuller were the youngest shifters in the pack, at the young age of 13. They would be staying back to protect the reservation while we were at the battle.

Today was training day, as well as Emmett and I's first date. Sam decided that the pack would be in their wolf forms since they don't trust the vampires. I stayed in my human form, or vampire form I guess, since I had the ability to communicate with the pack in any form that I am in.

As we arrived at the training field, we saw the Cullens already training. We walked down a hill, I walked alongside Sam's wolf form.

"They don't trust you enough to be in their human forms," I informed

"You came. That's all that matters," Carlisle assured

"Welcome, Jasper has experience with newborns, teach us how to defeat them." He announced

"They want to know how newborns differ from us," I stated

"They are a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our king is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life," He explained before he handed it off to Jasper

Jasper stepped forward, "Carlisle is right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army can stand against them."

The pack growled behind me, Jasper continued, "Now the two most important things to remember are; first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that and you will lose."

"Emmett!" He called forward, moving into attack position, "don't hold back."

"Not in my nature," Emmett smirked

Emmett ran towards Jasper, pushing him back and throwing him. Jasper immediately recovered and ran to Emmett. Emmett threw a punch but Jasper dodged it, pinning him to the ground. "Never lose focus," He said to us, looking at Emmett.

It was Edward and Carlisle's turn. They ran at each other. Edward jumping to attack and Carlisle sliding under him. They ran back and grabbed each other. Carlisle twisted Edward off of him and threw him. Edward danced around, dodging a hit from Carlisle and pinned him to the ground. Edward began walking away but was stopped when Carlisle attacked, winning. 

"One more thing," Jasper added, smirking, "never turn your back on your enemy."

Jasper continued fighting with Rosalie and Alice while the rest of us observed. Finally, it was my turn. Years of training with my father and the elite guard flashing in my mind, adding to the training that Sam gave me when I arrived in La Push.

I was fighting Jasper. I had examined his fighting style while he fought. He always put more weight on his left side. His response to attacks on his right side were slower than his left. He was an excellent fighter but my father taught me to expect the unexpected. 

"Are you sure you can handle this, Old Man?" I asked jokingly

"Oh, I can handle it. The question is if you can, darlin'," He smirked

We ran at each other. I threw a quick hit to his right side before using my telekinesis power to throw him into a tree. He recovered quickly and threw a punch at my abdomen. I dodged last second and flipped behind him. He turned around and successfully landed a hit to my left side, throwing me to the ground. I got back up and went for a trick right, when he reacted, I went left. I had him pinned down after that. 

"Do you submit, soldier?" I had noticed his military-like stance midway through the training.

"I submit," He grumbled in defeat

I laughed and held out my hand to help him up.

"You're good," He complimented

"Years of practice," I stated, "when your father is Caius Volturi and Aro makes you a member of the elite guard, you learn a thing or two."

"You're a member of the elite guard?" Carlisle questioned

"The leader actually, alongside Jane," I announced

"We want to see some wolf action," Emmett yelled

I turned around to him, laughing, "Of course you do. Paul?" 

Paul nodded in confirmation. I winked at Emmett and went behind a tree to shift. After I shifted, I came out, my wolf form towering over Paul's.

"Ready?" I mind linked him

"As I'll ever be," He said reluctantly, scared to fight me again. Paul might have been the pack's best fighter after me and Sam but he knew not to challenge me.

We quickly launched into the attack. We rolled around, snapping at each other. I landed a few good bites to his throat, resulting in his whines. He got one or two in. We fought for a few more minutes before I pinned him beneath me.

"Submit!" I growled. He whined, submitting.

"Good boy," I laughed, rubbing my head against him lovingly.

For some reason, Paul and I were the closest in the pack. He was my brother and I was his little sister. He always had my back and I always had his. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm very close with Sam and Leah but Paul was different. I think he would be my soul brother, in Marcus' terms. 

After the fight, I changed back into my clothes. Training was over and the pack was heading back to La Push. They wished me goodbye and it was now time for my date. 

Emmett said goodbye to his family and led me into the forest. He led me to the same meadow that I saw when I imprinted. It was a small area, surrounded by a waterfall. In the grass was a picnic basket on top of a blanket.

"Now I didn't know what you like so I got Esme to make you a sandwich and a plate of pasta," He said

I laughed, "A sandwich and pasta are great. What are you going to eat?" I asked

"I made myself a thermos filled with bear blood. My favorite," He joked

"Revenge?" I questioned, thinking back on his story

"Yep," He nodded

"Nice," I giggled

We sat down on the blanket and opened the basket. He pulled everything out, handing me the food. We ate and chatted about random things. He asked me about any hobbies I had, my likes, and my dislikes. I asked him what he was passionate about. His fears, his dreams. We got to know each other, completely. By the end of the date, I knew. I was a goner. I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. And I was sure he loved me too.

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