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Accalia's POV

The weeks passed quickly and it was now mid-march. We had a new pack member join in the previous weeks. Quil Ateara V, the grandson of Old Quil, shifted not too long ago, making the total of wolves 7 at the moment.

The red-headed vampire had been making frequent visits in Forks and La Push. Jacob informed us that she was after Bella. She's been taunting us with her smell. 

We chased her for a while, never getting close enough to end her life. We were getting close to the edge of the cliff. We sped up so that we could get her before she jumped but we were unsuccessful, she jumped right before we got her.

While we were chasing the red head, Harry Clearwater died of a fatal heart attack when she got too close to him. He had been in the woods, hunting wolves with Charlie Swan and the other police after Bella told them that it was wolves instead of bears that were killing people.

Speaking of dumb things Bella Swan does, she decided to jump off a cliff. Luckily or unluckily, depending on how you look at it, Jacob was able to resuscitate her and drove her home. Sam, the pack, and I all went to the Clearwater's to help in any way that we could. 

Not long after Harry's death, his daughter Leah shifted. Seth, her brother, shifted later after the shock of seeing his sister turn into a gigantic wolf. I had decided to deal with Leah while Sam handles Seth after hearing about the pain Sam and Emily being together caused her. That and the fact that she might have an easier time since I too was a female shifter.

Behind the Clearwater residence, deep in the woods, Leah stood in her beautiful small grey wolf form while internally freaking out.

I approached her slowly, trying not to spook her, "Hi, you may not know me but I'm here to help." She huffed. "I'm going to shift too so that it is easier for us to communicate." She nodded.

I shifted into my large midnight black wolf, red eyes gleaming in the light. Leah backed up slightly due to my size.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," I said calmly

"What's going on? What's happening to me? Why can I hear you in my head?" She asked, terrified, trying to make herself smaller

"Calm down, deep breaths," when she followed my instructions I spoke again, "Now, how much do you know about the legends?"

"The legends, that's what this is all about?" She asked, "I thought those were just stories. You're telling me that the stories I grew up with are real and that I just turned into a huge wolf."

"That's exactly what I am telling you. You're brother also just shifted," I informed her

 "Seth? Where is he?" She questioned me

"He's with Sam right now. He's explaining the same thing I am," I said

"Sam? Sam Uley?" She growled

"Yes, he's the alpha of the pack" I informed her, trying not to anger her anymore

"Why? Why does he always have to ruin my life?" She groaned

"We'll get to that later. Right now, I need to teach you how to shift back," I said and she nodded, "Visualize your human form. Your black hair, brown eyes, anything that ties you to your human side." She closed her eyes, a minute later she shifted back. I walked behind a tree to shift back and get dressed. I walked out behind the tree and threw her some clothes.

"When you shift, your clothes get shredded. So next time take them off and tie them to your leg," I spoke

"Next time?" she whined, "you mean I have to keep doing this?"

"Unfortunately, yes," I said sympathetically 

"Ughhhhh," She groaned

"You know, I have something I would like to teach you," I explained

"What? Am I going to learn how to catch a ball?" She asked jokingly

I laughed, "No, that's lesson number two," she giggled, "So you know how you can hear me in your mind?" She nodded, "Well that's the way the pack communicates, meaning we can hear everything you think and vice versa." 

"Wait, Sam can read my mind?" She asked incredulously

"I have a way to block your mind from them," I said smirking, "They don't know about this by the way."

"Anything. I'll do anything," She begged

"Visual a wall, in your mind. Build it up, make it so strong that nothing can come in and nothing can get out," I began, "Make it out of anything, brick, wood, or my personal favorite steel. Now keep it there, make it the barrier around your thoughts. Allowing you and you alone to know your thoughts."

"I think I've got it," She whispered, focusing on her wall

"Great, leave it up. It will be hard at first but after a while, it becomes second nature," I explained

She ran up and hugged me, "Thank you, truly thank you."

I hugged her back, "What are friends for?"

"Friends?" She asked, smiling, "I don't even know your name," she laughed.

"Yes, friends silly," I laughed, "and my name is Accalia. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," She bumped my hip

I bumped her's back, "Come on, let's go see your brother."

I walked off and she followed. I had just made a new friend. 

*time skip*

Leah and I had made it back to the pack. She hugged her brother and they talked. Then Sam and I explained everything else they needed to know from the treaty, imprinting, and patrol times. 

We told them that we needed to train them on how to fight, how to kill vampires, and how to control their anger. Sam and I agreed that we would do it together since they seemed to be relaxed around each other. I was going to instruct Leah and he was going to instruct Seth.

Leah and I had gotten close in the small time that we have known each other. She prefers being around me or Seth, not feeling comfortable around the other boys and certainly not Sam.

After informing them of all they need to know, we sent them home to spend time with Sue. After they left, I got a phone call from my father.

"Father?" I asked

"Little Wolf," He greeted

"What do you need?" I questioned softly

"I need you to do me a favor," He said

"Of course, what is it you need me to do?" I asked

"I need you to keep an eye on the Cullens and their pet human. I know that you live close to them and are already aware of their existence," He explained

"Might I ask why?"

"They just left here, promising to give the human immortality in the near future. I want you to ensure that they are not breaking any more laws and that the human becomes a vampire soon enough. They should be home in the next day or two," He stated

"Of course father, I won't let you down," I agreed

"I know sweetheart," He said kindly, "I love you my little wolf."

"I love you too father. Goodbye," I responded

"Goodbye," He said as the call ended

Turns out, that one phone call will lead me to my imprint and change my life.

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