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Accalia's POV

The Cullens and I stood in the clearing, prepared for battle. The pack remained in the trees, waiting for a surprise attack. I had decided to fight in my vampire form. I gave the newborns less surface area to get their arms around me.

The army arrived soon enough. Coming out of the water, growling. They rushed at us and we began running toward them. 

One rushed at me and began throwing punches. He tried to catch me but I was too fast. While he was attacking my front, another newborn tried to rush at us to assist him but before she could get too close, my hand shot out and I used my telekinesis powers to crush her throat before ripping her head off.

Once she was killed, I returned my full attention on the male newborn that originally attacked me and quickly removed his head from his shoulders

The Cullens were tearing into them easily. I ripped up three more before the pack joined us. They took the opportunity that came from the shock from the newborns to kill them. 

At one point, I had to help Paul with a vampire that he couldn't get ahold of but before I could get to him, Emmett helped him. I was happy seeing them work together. 

As I fought another newborn, I noticed that multiple were swarming Emmett, trying to take him out. I whipped my hand out and quickly threw one to an unoccupied Jasper, giving Emmett more room to behead the others around him.

The army quickly diminished in size, all of them ripped to pieces. Bodies of the dead newborn vampires littered the field. The Cullens started a fire and began to carry the bodies to burn them.

Alice froze, having a vision, "How long?" Edward asked, approaching with Bella

"A few minutes. Maybe ten?" Alice responded

"The pack needs to leave, the Volturi won't honor our truce with the werewolves," Carlisle stated

I knew the guard wouldn't do anything to the pack while I was here but I didn't want them involved. I wasn't ready for both sides of my life to mix just yet.

Suddenly, a newborn that we missed ran out of the woods. Leah went to attack. "Leah don't!" Edward exclaimed

Having trouble killing the vampire, Jacob went to the rescue. They wrestled around for a while but the vampire got his arms around Jacob. A loud crunching sound filled the air. Jacob whined.

The rest of the pack tore the vampire apart. Bella and I ran to Jacob. He was rolling on the ground, in pain. 

"Jacob, hold on. Carlisle is going to take care of you," Edward said

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered," Carlisle informed

"Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah yelled, worriedly

"Leah!" Sam warned, she backed off

"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting," Carlisle said

"We need to get him out of here. We're not going to want to fight with the Volturi," Edward stated

"We'll take him back to Billy's," Sam said

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Carlisle assured

The pack picked up Jacob carefully and began their way to Billy's. I gave Leah one last hug, telling her that I was staying to help with the Volturi.

"They're coming!" Alice exclaimed

Sure enough, Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri walked through the fog. They approached and took their hoods off. Somehow not noticing my presence.

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