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Accalia's POV

It has been a few days since Sam and I found out about the legend of my kind. The pack bonfire was last night. At first, the pack didn't take it very well but as soon as Sam and the Elders explained about the legend, they settled down and apologized for reacting badly. 

They were still shocked that I was half vampire and they had a million questions about being one. The asked about my telekinesis power, what I ate as a vampire, my father, and the Volturi.

Since finding out I was now the queen of the supernatural community, the boys have started calling me things like her majesty and queenie. They still treat me the same, still joking around. 

Right now we were all walking to Jake's house to pick him up. We were all messing around, even Sam was goofing off with us. 

When we arrived to Jacob's house, we hollered for him. Instead of him coming out, someone else came out of the house, the lovely Bella Swan. I rolled my eyes, Sam was going to be pissed since he told Jake to stop being friends with her.

"What did you do?" She yelled, running towards us, "okay what did you do? what did you do to him?" She asked while pushing Sam. 

"Watch it!" Jared growled, not liking seeing someone touch his alpha

"Easy," Sam warned, trying to prevent something bad from happening

"He didn't want this," She exclaimed

"What, and we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?" Paul said angrily

"Both of you calm down," Sam said, getting in the middle of them

"Nothing, he tells me nothing because he's scared of you," She yelled

I was the first to laugh at the stupidity of the statement, which brought her attention to me. The boys minus Sam laughed along with me. Getting angry at my laugh, the bitch slapped me which not only pissed me off but also Paul.

"Too late now," Jared laughed, backing up

Angry thoughts rushed to my head. My heart rate increased quickly and my body temperature began to rise to extreme levels. The scent of her blood wafted toward my nose, furthering the vicious thoughts that filled my head. Flashes of her mangled body flew behind my eyes, making me hungry. Paul and I began to shake, steam came from our skin.  

"Bella get back," Sam ordered, alpha mode activated

"Paul calm down now," Sam ordered in his alpha voice, not using it on me because he knows it won't work.

I was the first to shift, my midnight black wolf crouched down growling at Bella. I snarled at her, my large teeth protruding out of my mouth as saliva dripped off them. Paul was next, angrier than me but no where near as hungry. His beautiful dark grey wolf approaching Bella. I stepped slowly toward them, internally battling with my bloodlust and my wolf.

"Bella," Jake yelled, rushing out of his house.

"Run! Jake, run!" Bella screamed

Jacob lept over her, shifting mid-air. He snarled at me and Paul threateningly. We growled in response. I lifted myself higher than him, showing my dominance, making him whine submissively. Jacob turned away from me and attacked Paul since Paul was closer and not as terrifying. 

They tumbled to the side of me and began fighting. I stepped back not wanting to get in the middle of that while trying to calm down, knowing that I was more useful trying to calm them down than trying to murder the blood bag. 

I took deep breathes in and out, lowering my heart rate and body temperature. It worked quickly and I watched as Jacob and Paul rolled around on the ground, snapping at each other's throats. They rolled right over a boat Jake was working on and ended up in the woods. 

"Hey, take Bella back to Emily's place," Sam ordered Jared and Embry. Jared and Embry cautiously looked at me in concern. I nodded in agreement, letting them know that I was okay and they needed to do as Sam told them. 

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag," Embry joked, I let out a wolfy snort

As they left, Sam looked towards me. "Help me with the pups huh?" He asked, eyes softening when he looked at me

I nodded and followed him into the woods, looking for Paul and Jacob. We found them quickly, still growling at each other. I mind-linked them.

"Okay idiots, calm down," I ordered, "It was just a misunderstanding."

Paul phased back and Sam threw him some shorts. I phased back as well, putting on a shirt and some shorts that I borrowed from Emily. Jacob reluctantly shifted back and put shorts and a shirt on. Paul walked over and hugged me. 

"Sorry, I got mad when she slapped you," Paul apologized

"It's okay Paul," I assured him, "she riled you up and you were just protecting me. I shifted too, it's not your fault."

He nodded before smirking, "God, you are absolutely terrifying when you get like that. I thought you were about to rip Jake's head off when he growled at you like that."

I looked over to him, "Be afraid, be very afraid." We both laughed lightheartedly before I looked over to Jacob, "Come on, we gotta go to Emily's."

He nodded. On the run there, he relaxed after a while and began messing around with Paul. I walked in front of them with Sam, shaking my head at their antics.

"You're not the first monsters that I've met," We heard coming from Bella as we arrived back at Emily's.

"Jake's right, you're good with weird," Sam said, walking up to Emily, kissing all over her face

I walked in next, nodding to Bella in acknowledgment. I walked to Emily, ruffling Embry's hair as I passed him, making him exclaim, "hey! Not the hair!"

"Got any muffins for me, Em?" I asked, smiling

"Of course, you are my favorite after all," She hugged me and handed me a muffin

"Hey!" Jared and Embry exclaimed. I giggled and stuck out my tongue.

Jacob and Paul finally caught up. Paul entered the house and sat down while Jacob stood at the door looking at Bella adoringly.

"Sorry," Paul said, even though I know he didn't want to. He grabbed a muffin and began eating it.

Jacob motioned for Bella to follow him to talk. They left and we began joking around once more.

"Well that was interesting," Jared mused. We all had a laugh.

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