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flashback - six years prior - age 1 (looks 6)

third person p.o.v

A young girl ran through the winding halls of the Volturi Castle in Italy. A blonde haired man chased after her, smiling at her giggles and small squeals that came from her mouth when he would get too close to catching her.

The young girl's name was Accalia Volturi and the man was her father, Caius Volturi. It was a random Tuesday, an hour after the trials ended and Caius had off time.

Whenever the big bad Volturi King had time off, he would always spend it with his little princess. 

She continued to run, getting closer to the door to the library. Right when she was in front of the door, Caius used a little bit of vampire speed and scooped her up in his arms.

She squealed in surprise as he lifted her onto his shoulders, "daddy, daddy. That's cheating."

Caius laughed, "it's not cheating, teroso. It's called using your resources." He pushed open the door to the library while she squirmed on his shoulders, "stop moving, you're going to fall."

"I'm not going to fall," she continued to squirm, resulting in her falling off his shoulders. Before she could hit the floor, she was scooped into another pair of arms.

"Getting into trouble, little one?" a black-haired Volturi king questioned his niece.

"Uncle Aro!" little Accalia squealed in excitement, launching her arms around his neck.

Aro laughed, smiling at her in adoration, "hello, little one."

Caius watched with a fond smile as his brother in all but blood interacted with his daughter. He was glad that Aro finally warmed up to her. He feared that when she was born, Aro would kill her as he did his own sister.

Looking up from his book, the last Volturi king smiled at the sight of his niece, "No hello for me, angelo?"

Accalia quickly jumped out of Aro's arms and ran over to Marcus's awaiting arms. He pulled her up into his lap and she wrapped her arms around him before sitting down. She tilted her head as she looked at his book, "What are you reading about Uncle Marcus?"

"I'm reading about human politics," Marcus answered

She scrunched her nose up in distaste, "boring. Read me the story about the princess that became a queen."

Aro and Caius smiled in amusement at the look Marcus gave her. They walked over to their chairs and pulled out books of their own. 

Sighing in resignation, Marcus pulled out the same book that he had read many, many times, "Once upon at time, there was a princess that lived in a far away kingdom..."

The rest of the day was spent in the library, all three kings reading different books as little Accalia listened to Marcus retell the tale of the princess.

When the book was finally finished, Marcus closed the book and set it on the table beside him. He looked into the eyes of his niece and asked, "did you enjoy it?"

She nodded quickly, "Yes, very much." She yawned and leaned back on his chest, "Uncle Marcus?"

He hummed, "Yes?"

"Will I ever be a queen?" she asked, her eyelids slowly falling shut in exhaustion

"Maybe one day, when you are older," he nodded lightly, "You are a princess so you will be made queen one day."

"Just like in the story?" her voice became quieter and quieter as she began to drift off to sleep.

"Just like in the story," Marcus confirmed, smiling down at his niece who had once more fallen asleep in his lap.

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