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Accalia's POV

I had been staying with the pack for a week or so. We had recently gained a new shifter named Jacob Black. Apparently, he was the rightful alpha but he turned down the position, claiming that since he didn't want a pack in the first place, why would he want to lead one.

I had grown to dislike the new pup. All he talks about is some girl named Bella. He continues to beg Sam to remain friends with her or something like that. At this point, he's getting on my nerves, so much that I've grown a disliking to the girl I never met too.

Sam was right when he spoke about having to deal with vampires soon. The scent of a nomad vampire could be smelled in Forks, a human drinker from the smell of it. 

As of right now, we are searching for the vampire. Paul caught the smell not long ago and we all shifted to come to kill it. We just stumbled upon the vampire in a meadow, a human girl stood across from him.

He was talking to her from what we could see. Jacob's thoughts supplied me with the girl's name, Bella. Another thing, I have learned how to block unneeded thoughts from the pack. A friend of mine in the Volturi taught me how to block my mind from mind reading and it works in this situation.

Just as the dark skinned vampire went to kill Bella, Sam and I walked out of the woods, the rest of the pack flanked us. The sight of us startled the vampire.

"I don't believe it," the vampire said in disbelief, shock showing on his face.

He turned to run, us following behind him. He was pretty fast for a vampire but we were faster. Paul went for the attack but he dodged it, pissing Paul off further. I was gaining on him, springing into attack mode. We continued to roll around, fighting, for a good minute. Finally, using my extra strength, I got a hold of his neck with my teeth, successfully ripping his head clean off of his body.

The pack congratulated me on my first kill, not knowing it wasn't my first nor would it be my last. We made our way back to Emily's place, prepared to celebrate getting rid of the vampire. All we had left to do is kill his red-headed girlfriend. As soon as we arrived at Emily's, I decided to pull Sam aside and tell him about my hybrid nature.

"Hey, Sam? Can I speak to you for a minute?" I asked, "In private?" I added when the boys didn't seem to get the hint.

"Yeah, sure. What do you need?" He said walking towards me

I motioned for him to follow me. As soon as we were far enough away from eavesdroppers, I spoke, "There's something that I need to tell you. Please don't freak out, this doesn't change anything. The only reason I didn't tell you before is that I didn't want you to judge me before you got to know me."

"Okay?" He said unsurely, "Go ahead then," urging me to continue.

"So long story short, my father is a vampire, making me half-vampire which makes me a vampire shifter hybrid," I quickly announced

Sam was shocked, I mean who wouldn't be. His shoulders were tensed and he was quiet for a few minutes, processing what I just said. After a while, he finally spoke up.

"Okay. We will need to speak to the council to see what this means for the tribe and the pack. I am glad you trusted me enough to tell me," He stated calmly, ever the calm alpha. I was thankful that he was always logical about things.

"I'm fine with that. Thank you for not freaking out," I said

"No problem kid. You're still family," He said, the tense air fading away

Sam called Billy Black to tell him to call a council meeting. He then went inside to tell Emily and the pack that we will be gone for an hour or so.

Once he was back outside, we hopped in his truck and drove to Billy's place. Inside was Billy, Harry Clearwater, and Quil Ateara III. We made our way to the door, Sam knocked on it. Billy led us inside to the table where the meeting would take place.

"What is the reason for a meeting on such short notice?" Billy asked

"And why did you bring Accalia?" Harry questioned

"I recently found out something concerning Accalia's parentage and needed to speak with the council in order to know how to continue," Sam informed them

"And what is this tidbit of information?" Old Quil asked

"It seems that Accalia's father is a vampire. My aunt Ellen had an affair with a vampire making Accalia a vampire shifter hybrid." Sam stated

Harry, Billy, and Old Quil didn't act as surprised as I thought they would. They just looked at me in awe. 

"You don't seem so shocked," Sam inquired

"Sam, there is a legend, one that we do not tell at the bonfires," Billy started, "it is of a female shifter. One that will unite the supernatural world as the queen of the supernatural community."

"It is said that she will be born part shifter, part vampire. She will be the most powerful supernatural creature to exist. She will bring peace and become the ultimate protector of the tribe. It is said that she is practically unkillable, indestructible. The reason we don't tell anyone about this is that we ourselves never believed it. The story had been told for so long and there was no sign of this creature that we just never spoke about it. Now that she is here, she must be treated with respect. Her word is the law, she is basically your alpha, Sam. Although she will not take your place as alpha, she will give guidance on pack matters."

This was a lot to take in. I was a queen? What the hell did that mean? Did my father know about this and just decided not to tell me? No that wouldn't be possible, father tells me everything. Then what the hell happened? My mind was racing and my thoughts were filled with questions, confusing me more. I'm sure Sam was just as shocked as me, if not more.

"May we ask who your father is?" Harry asked inquisitively 

"My father is Caius Volturi, king of the Volturi," I stated after shaking off the shock

They gasped, "Not only are you, queen of the supernatural realm, you were already the Volturi's princess," Old Quil stated, "my, my. This is quite the meeting if I do say so myself."

"We will need to tell the pack at the next tribe bonfire," Billy said

We agreed. We talked further about what was to happen now. After an hour, Sam and I left and headed to Emily's. What an eventful day.

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