4.5 - about y/n...

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hey hey

so i figured, since the next chapter will be very very dramatic, it would be best for me to... introduce one of your cursed techniques.

please bare in mind, you've been alive as a curse for a thousand years, very obviously within this timeframe, you have gained some pretty insane abilities. i'd rather not have to deal with 'y/n is too op' comments.

proceeding with that in mind, here are is one of your abilities.

matter manipulation

due to the unique composition of your soul, by extending the reach of your cursed energy, even if only the smallest fragment, you are able to manipulate subatomic particles. you are able to control them as if they were an extension of your own body, allowing you to generate them, destroy them, copy and duplicate them, and manipulate them. this allows you to heal, destroy, and duplicate the composition of any molecule, and thanks to your immense strength and training, you are able to manipulate it in mass. in other words, you can essentially destroy an entire body with a single touch of your cursed energy, and likewise, you are able to heal someone instantly. you are also able to take the composition of a molecule and duplicate it in mass instantly, meaning you can create anything so long as you have at some point touched the molecule you wish to create. using your cursed energy, you're able to turn it into solid molecules and by copying the composition of whatever it is you desire, that object or person, becomes as real as you or me. using this method, you are also able to manipulate, destroy, and heal a soul, since it also has a manipulatable composition. note that you do not need to surround a molecule to destroy it, you simply need to touch it.

for example.

if you were to use matter manipulation on me, you would not have to touch me to activate the destruction of all the molecules that make up my body. remember, you have a unique type of cursed energy.

so so sorry that this isn't a chapter, however, the new chapter is taking a while since i'm trying to lengthen it. it will be quite interesting and worth the wait, i assure you. for the mean time,

refer back to this chapter when reading the next chapter (assuming it's released), it will aid in understanding the plot. i'm trying not to spoil everything i have in store for you all right now, so for now, just enjoy this revelation of one of your abilities, and a small insight into what makes you so feared in this world.

why everyone fears you, the princess of curses.

and on that note, i hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

(assuming i've released it on time..)

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