6.5 - fluff chapter!!

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since things are abt to get very depressing, here's some fluff to heal your hearts that you can come back to whenever you feel the chapters upcoming get too down <33


"so um... what exactly is this and what does it do?" y/n asked awkwardly.

"uhh.. how do you not know what a phone is?!" itadori and gojo exclaimed simultaneously.

"i never saw these as a kid." y/n replied, lying fluidly.

"oh, you were one of THOSE kids... your parents must have sucked." itadori grumbled. sukuna's mouth appeared on the side of his face and he stuck his tongue out before going back.

y/n had to refrain herself from laughing and instead, asked a question.

"so... what exactly does a phone do?"

"you can do all sorts of things! you can text people, take pictures—"

"you can watch videos of jennifer lawrence!" itadori interrupted, cheering.

"jennifer lawrence?" you asked.

he gasped, before instantly pulling out his phone and showing you his lock screen.

"THIS is jennifer lawrence! she's the sexiest woman alive! how do you not know her?!" he exclaimed.

before you could answer, itadori promptly unlocked his phone, and you caught a glimpse of the home screen, which was also, jennifer lawrence.

"see these app covers? these are also jennifer lawrence." he explained.

you looked at his screen, and his phone's background, apps, and icons were all of the same photo of jennifer lawrence. it almost hurt your eyes to look at.

"oh! and here's more pictures of her!"

he opened his camera roll, revealing the same picture that was on his home screen and app icons, saved over and over again into his camera roll. he scrolled further up and there was only that single photo of jennifer lawrence saved about 500 times.

as you were just about to turn away from being genuinely creeped out, itadori showed you a video.

"oh! and this is a video of fushiguro falling down the stairs after gojo sensei blindfolded him because he wanted to see what he'd look like as him." itadori explained, as if it were a completely normal thing to happen.

clicking play on the video, you watched in awe of how far technology had advanced, before that awe was completely wiped away by the ridiculous sight of fushiguro blindly walking around the jujutsu tech grounds, before coming across a flight of stairs and comically falling down, while gojo was in the background laughing.

before the video ended, you saw megumi removing the blindfold before summoning his shikigami, and gojo backing away before fully turning around and running away as fushiguro sent his demon dogs to chase after him. the video promptly ended after that.

your expression had gone from complete fascination to questioning whether society had really gone further or backwards.

as you pondered this thought, gojo shoved a similar device to what itadori held into your hands, and you stared questioningly at him.

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