~ chapter 30 ☁️

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Five minutes later however, I'm almost regretting ever bringing up Crimson Sky 2 in the first place.

You see when I suggested it, I meant for any ticket or something to be on Eli and that that would be the way he could do something nice for me. Not that I'd go to the movie alone mind, my plan was to drag Piper along- it has been all along. At least that was until Eli barged his way into my plans and now, well now he's telling me to be ready on Sunday evening so we can go see the movie together.

And I've tried telling him I don't really want to go with him in the nicest way possible and that I'll just get Piper to come so he only needs to play for my ticket meaning that'll be it on his behalf. But he's insistent, telling me he's coming and that we're going to watch the movie together. Good knows why he's being so pushy though, he can't even stand to be in my presence usually so why he wants to come so badly I don't know. Keep in mind it's not even like he wants to watch the movie, when I bought it up he mentioned that he hadn't even seen the first one.

'But you won't even know what's going on!' I blurt in exasperation, a part of me disgusted that he hadn't even seen the movie everyone couldn't shut up about last year.

'Doesn't matter.' He shrugs, looking highly disinterested.

I can't help growl quietly under my breath at how stubborn he's being and he looks over at me in surprise, a soft and subtle grin playing on his lips at the sound that had just escaped my mouth.

'Forget it then, I'll think of something else.' I say adamantly in a huff, almost feeling like a child throwing a tantrum as I cross my arms across my chest in defiance.

'Damn, Willow, the thought of spending time with me piss you off that much?' He jeers
bitterly, eyes narrowing in a glare and tone sounding almost insulted that I don't want to go with him on Sunday.

I open my mouth to agree and say that yes, that's exactly what I think but he seems to see this coming and continues on before I can even get my sassy remark in.

'But no, you've already made up your mind. And besides you've got me looking quite forward to it now too.' He smugly says, a grin that seems anything but genuine now plastered on his stupid face.

'What are you on about? You don't even know what the movie's about!' I almost yell in annoyance, the volume of my voice abruptly increasing at how infuriating he's being and I have to quickly remind myself with a deep breath that my Mum is sleeping only a few doors away.

'Look, I might not have watched it but that doesn't mean I haven't got the gist about it, Haider couldn't shut up about it last year. The plot's something along the lines of 'humans create a new line of modern robots, the robots turn evil and try and take over the earth and the surviving humans try and fight back- blah, blah, blah.' He casually explains with a shrug, sounding almost bored at this point and not to mention completely indifferent to the storyline.

I pause a little in my arguing to take in the fact that Eli mentions that Haider's a fan of Crimson Sky 2 too. Hmm, I can't help but think, a man of taste it seems Haider is too as I unconsciously nod to myself in approval.

Processing how persistent Eli is being though, I decide to take a more heartfelt approach to this whole dilemma rather than the flat out objection I have been trying that doesn't seem to be working on him at all.

'Eli, look.' I begin in a softer tone, something which Eli instantly seems to pick up on considering the now suspicious look he's sending my way. 'I just really don't think it'd be a good idea. All that will probably happen is  that we'll spend the whole time bickering with each other and there's a chance we might even end up getting kicked out of the cinema.'

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