~ chapter 33 ☁️

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It's about 2 hours into the party on Friday night and it hasn't been nearly as bad as I was anticipating. I had spent hours now dancing and catching up with various friends and it honestly feels good to unwind like this after so long.

Of course, Piper is already drunk. Not that I excepted any different, she nearly always gets drunk when she parties- not black out drunk but definitely drunk enough that she is going to wake up with a killer hangover tomorrow.

I'm expecting that she's probably going to stay the night here at Jasper's. Asha definitely is, and Jasper had offered Piper and I one of his guest bedrooms if we ended up staying too for whatever reason. Although I'd prefer going home to be fair, probably soon as well since I'm already getting tired. I guess I'm just going to have to find a friend sober enough to drive me home or the more likely call, get an Uber because there is no way I'm walking or busing it at this time.

I'm currently in the dining room, sipping on my drink and standing off to side where Piper and a few of my other friends are currently engrossed in a highly competitive game of beer pong on the dining table. I had decided to sit this one and just play bystander since I cannot throw to save my life and am not really looking to get drunk. I had had a few cups of alcohol at the start of the party but once I had started to feel myself get a little tipsy, I had decided to quit whilst I was ahead. So I have since retired to glasses of soda and water for the rest of the night.

I look away from the group of girls a few feet away from me to survey my eyes over the rest of the crowd in the dining room. The house is packed, people in every spot in the building apart from the locked rooms. And the music from the speakers is blaring so loud, you can hear it as constant background noise no matter where you go to try and escape it. I'm almost surprised no one has rang the doorbell to complain yet. Saying that though, Jasper's parents are quite well off. They live in one of those properties with a massive garden and a driveway and where the nearest house is quite some distance away.

I only really recognise about half the people who have stepped foot in the house. Whilst I'm sure most of them attend our school, I'm sure a few are them don't- probably just being friends of friends who decided to swing by.

Taking a sip from the red cup in my hand, my eyes widen when I spot Alexander's familiar figure on the other side of the room. He leans against the wall, looking as intimidating and brooding as usual, seemingly preoccupied in a conversation with Haider.

I'm actually really surprised to see him, not quite being able to tear my eyes off the blond haired boy. Alexander is notorious for not attending most of the parties thrown by our classmates. A lot of people would probably expect him to be a regular at things like this but I honestly think I can count on one hand the amount of times he's been seen at parties. I'm pretty sure he's attended even less then me and that's surely saying something.

The only reason he ever even rarely shows his face like this is when the party is being thrown especially for the football team. We've never had a football match without someone on the team throwing a party that night in celebration, despite the fact of whether or not we lost or won. And what with Haider, the captain of the football team being his best friend- I guess even Alexander Scott can't get himself out of situations like those. Which brings me back to my primary shock of seeing him. I mean we do have a match coming up next week but why is he here tonight? Trying to figure out the cause for him being here,  it doesn't take me long at all to realise the exact reason, or rather person I should say behind his presence.

After only a few minutes of rather creepily acting like a stalker and observing Alexander, I soon pick up on his habit of looking somewhere to his right every now and then. Despite talking to Haider, his gaze seems to keep going back to one particular corner of the room.

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